Mage Feedback: Arcane Spellslinger and Aethervision

I do see the idea behind Aethervision, to “bake in” the blast-blast barrage combo that we have been doing for this.

My concern is that this doesn’t incentivize actually doing the combo for the same reason, especially for spellslinger.

The reason Nether Precision double dipping is very important for Spellslinger is due to the extra splinter generation it gets from the double dip, and without incorporating it in to Aethervision, this does not achieve the same effect as the current playstyle. We effectively lose an extra splinter each NP combo with the change.

On live, going blast-blast-barrage generates 6 splinters. On the PTR it only generates 4. It is a large reduction in our splinter generation overall.

My suggestion would be to add “consuming Aethervision also generates splinters.” It may need to be “Consuming 2 stacks of Aethervision generates 2 arcane splinters” or “generate 1 arcane splinter per stack of Aethervision consumed.”

Without this caveat, the priority for Spellslinger will change quite a bit. Again, the reason Spellslinger cared quite a bit about barraging was not the ability itself, but the extra splinter generation. My worry is that even with Aethervision refunding charges, it won’t be enough to justify pressing barrage at all, and we will just continue to press blast in most situations.

Please bake splinter generation in for Aethervision and tune it accordingly.

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