Mage Cosmetic Idea

Warlocks have their Green Fire quest. So I think Mages, particularly fire mages, should be able to get a questline that allows them to have a “Shadowflame” appearance for their spell effects.
Shadowfrost for Frost.
And I don’t know, maybe just some “voidy” kind of stuff? Shadow Arcane? I don’t know.
Maybe purple and green for Arcane?

Do mages have any shadowflame abilities?

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That’s kind of the point.
Let’s get some.

But it seems out of left field for mages.
Warlocks already had fel-energy abilities, they just got a color to better match the content (Legion).
Probably need some story reason to give mages shadowflame abilities. I think some kind of frostfire visual would be more in-line and more likely to happen.

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You loot the “Horn of Fyrrak” which starts a quest.

“you hold a fragment of a horn from the head of Fyrrak. You feel it pulsing with the echoes of Shadowflame. Perhaps you know of a Mage in Dalaran who could help you unlock the power still contained within the fragment.”

Boom. Its that easy.

Shadowflame is warlocks as well. The oft requested equivalent for mages though is usually blue fire. Which I’d be down with.


Hell yeah bro, lets get some blue fire! Just anything to add some…flair…to the specs of mages.
I would be totally okay with Green Arcane too…Not because this transmog is the best mage mog ever or anything. Just because green sounds cool. yeah…

Only thing I can thematically imagine is Vyranoth’s changes for mages however it might be tough to imagine her helping mages concerning their position on Order magic. :robot::thought_balloon:

edit: This is the chart for those curious. :mag::robot:

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We don’t. Mage is the most “heroic” cloth-wearing class compared to warlocks and Shadow priests, and is, by nature, about channeling the arcane and rejecting the use of “corrupt” magics like shadow and fel. Shadowflame is a warlock thing, and even then it’s only used by Demo and Destro for a few spells (Demonbolt, Hand of Gul’dan, Implosion, Guillotine, Shadowburn, and Cataclysm), so if anything, it should be another cosmetic option for Destro that actually looks like the red/purple stuff used by Fyrakk and the djaradin.

Mages are about the Arcane, not the Void.

If Mages were to get a questline to change the color of their fire, I imagine it would be blue Spellfire instead.


Just add glyphs that lets Fireball and Frostbolt use the Frostfire Bolt animation.