Just for a disclaimer I dont plan on using this at least in its current state. I have my own weakauras that I made that I will likely always use (I do not use any actual ui addons like elvui, just bartender/weakauras/bigdebuffs/omnibar/plater) but I figured I’d test this out and give some feedback on it since a lot of work was put into it.
-I dont like that there is no graphic or number to display Maelstrom Weapon stacks from 6-9. Those are still important to see so you do not overcap Maelstrom Weapon stacks. More on this later.
-I think highlighting Maelstrom Weapon spenders when they hit 10 stacks would still be good to do. I think highlighting them at 5 was not great, but at 10 it would be fine so you can utilize more than just the UI graphic, its okay to have 2 ways to tell when you are at 10 stacks and this would be a bit more helpful imo. And highlighting them at 10 is still the right way to nudge players, letting them know that its ready to use so you don’t overcap stacks.
What would I look for from the base UI regarding this? What examples of problems have I had with it?
-I would ideally like if a number were somehow displayed alongside the Maelstrom Weapon graphic. It is sometimes too difficult to follow just a graphic like that, usually because it can’t always be read at a quick glance. In this case for example, sometimes I look up at it and don’t know how many stacks I actually have after 5. Am I at 6? 9? Don’t know. That is why people like me tend to gravitate toward weakauras.
-A number display alongside the graphic would go a long way, need to be able to just glance over at the graphic and get my information from it right away, not glance over at it and then have to still go look at my buffs because I don’t actually know the exact number I’m at unless its 1-5 or 10, which is important when you have buttons that generate 2 maelstrom weapon stacks like Ice Strike now or 5 like Prim wave.
-There have already been times on the PTR I’ve glanced at the Maelstrom Weapon indicator, then had to glance at my buffs to actually see where my stacks are before pressing Prim Wave because if I’m at 8 stacks I don’t want to press it and overcap, I’d rather just build 2 then spend fully and either hit Pwave for an immediate 5 or gen 5 then hit Pwave for 10. So it feels like it doesn’t have good enough info and can lead to people misplaying if all they do is look at the graphic, there should definitely be a way to know exactly how many stacks you are at. There is very little point to it if I still have to go look at my buffs after looking at the graphic, could just glance at my buffs the entire time instead of ever looking at the graphic at that point.
Thank you for putting in the effort revamping this and trying to make it better. I do think it is better than live, and even though I typed a lot it only really needs 1 small improvement which is a number display on the graphic itself, next to it, on top of it, wherever.