I remember seeing Bootstrap in Ironforge. He had Thunderfury! I was IRL friends with a hunter in TTL named Balatar. Unfortunately he passed away a number of years ago — I played a human priest named Believer and raided with Silky Venom and Silence That Follows Us.
I raided with S T F U briefly - Human Priest named Believer.
Do you remember Zios, Normma, Andor?
Where the F is Asira? That son of B hasn’t been online in 12 days and I’m trying to see if he is playing somewhere for Classic. This is Jeremy. Petey, George, and I are going to roll toons on Stalagg.
I’m rolling on Stalagg too! You going horde or alliance?
@Nyhthraefn Deathstorm Human Paly also played a Mage (Mystica) we have a few of the guys going to Skerum ally side. Would love to have u and anyone else that played with us back in the day to join us. For anyone that didn’t see Nyhthraefn post this is for No Sleep for the Weary and Morality Shift.
I was in with Why Tempt Fate during TBC. We pushed end game content. Some of the best times.
Archiee, I think is how you spelled your name? Good stuff.
Might end up on Grobbulus Alliance side. No idea how long queues are going to be on other servers and that is probably going to be the determining factor in server choice.
Dagnor here. Used to be in Fires of Tirisfal/Äscension. Halio–if you see this Tell Joban I said hi.
Hey–Dagnor here. I remember you and Moonshadow from Äscension/FoT. FatalxFury and I are going to be playing Stalagg Alliance.
Yes, I that is indeed the way my name was spelled.
Hi Millen! It’s Razshingle if that rings a bell. Hope you and yours have been well.
It’s going great Jerec, long time no see! I wasn’t planning on it, but the more I think about it the more tempting it sounds. At least to mess around. I’ll hop in the discord when I get back to the States, catch up with you all while we farm some boar livers.
Hi Silme,
They will not be. They hung up the gun and shield long ago. I’ll see if I can coerce Glow to give it a try sometime though.
I remember you Marreck! You may remember either this character or possibly my dwarf Grimshot running you through bootcamp. Or my sister Lunemi.
Brennwyn… we were just talking about the druids who had been in KTM back in the day and your name came up too. Glad to see you remember your time with us as a fun experience, despite us probably being kinda rude to your NE lol
Aayla! Reading all those old names brought a smile to the face:
Monkeyd! Frummps! Naomi! What a crew from back in the day. I’ll probably be going Alliance on Stalagg. Maaaybe Herod if it’s not an atrocious queue.
Message me in-game I got the “Gattaca” name on both servers.
Dracus… iss for my collection mang?
Hey were you Touch?
No sleep for the weary and Mortality Shift, necronomicon ebaneezer and i (Deathstorm) made toons on the server added today Incendius. Hope to see some of the old guilies there!!!