Maelstrom Alliance Reconnections

Hi, guys! Still on Maelstrom, even though I’ve xferred a few characters and had name changes.

Sheika, 60 Human Pally, Angels Av Tanda
Cereena, 60-70 Gnome Mage, Shameless
Jaesica, 70 Nightelf Druid, Why Tempt Fate

Really miss the good ole days, and probably have forgotten some names of people I really used to like chilling with back in the day. Rolling Herod for classic and have live characters on Area-52 and Maelstrom. HMU!

I remember you, Archiee! Jaesica-Resto Druid in the guild. Was fun times for sure. I miss Ladar and Poops.

Fellow WTF member-Jaesica, Resto Druid. Good times!

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Hi Silme, I remember pvping quite a bit with you on my Human Warrior, Malachi of . Great to see you are still kicking.

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I remember Bled for sure. We played in a few premades. Was awesome to roll around in your wake!

Hmmerhock, reading that list of names is like walking down the street I grew up on. So many memories with a lot of people on that list. Thank you for sharing.

So Bring out Your Dead is still around on Maelstrom I believe. My Mother was/still is in it on Catina.

Guild: Silence That Follows Us / Why Tempt Fate
Pghost Human Rogue

Playin on Kirtonos

Frostfirep undead mage

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Xykes! We’ll be horde on grobbulus. Message me if you get on. Troll shaman named Ortaga

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Rolling on Faerlina with some gents I played with during MoP and on, but I played on Maelstrom through TBC. Started in < The Watchers > and ended up in < Bear Cavalry > before I took free transfers off :frowning:

Tagdaris – NE Rogue.
Helas – Human Paladin.
Mertick – Gnome Rogue.
Velanis – NE Druid.
Zepian – Draenei Warrior.

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Remind Joban about human spirit racial.

Gattaca, this is Praecor… didn’t you leave TSW with us when we formed The Remnants? Server first Ashkandi = Destroyer of Guilds.

Can’t wait to catch up! Love to hear how things are going. We got the guild up and running on Grobbulus tonight if you get the urge to scratch that itch. Would love to see Glowenson too, but I am betting he is crazy busy. He always was back when I was still on Facebook, but I quit that devil and unfortunately lost contact with a lot of old people :frowning:

I found a video on Youtube of one of our TTL Naxx raids. Where is Sominus after he took the AQ mount from the server?

I am impressed you still remember the names. This is Praecor, I will be trying to get on Grobbulus, Herod and Stalagg hopefully.

<Huntress> has been reformed on Grobbulus. Look us up if you are interested in protecting Kaldorei lands and taking the fight to the Horde and perhaps their evil black dragon allies as well.

Edit: transferring to DD.


Raz!! It’s Hartigan! Some of my buddies are rolling Horde on Stalagg if you don’t have a server yet, you should definitely join us. Also it was Dark Covenant that we raided with through MC and BWL. Hit me up man!

MILLEN! It’s Hartigan! Holy crap add me on Bnet! I can’t believe I found you and Raz like…right away. Crazy

Gnome Rogue
The Shadow Watch

Hope to find some of you out there, how crazy what that be !

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Oh man the memories, defacto TSW crew in arms. Oh how I remember the drama, still my best memories in game, what a time it was to be playing :slight_smile:
Glad to see some of yall are back!

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