Maelstrom Alliance Reconnections

I was in Silky Venom for a short time. I remember some of these names. I’m a RL friend of Oloh and Lurz if anyone remembers them.

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Don’t get mad get Glad.

I’m just here to remind people not to give Gattaca any ideas.

TSW/Remnants/End Game

<3 to lots and lots in this thread.

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Whoa! This is Ignition. Not sure I will jump on the Classic wagon but it is awesome to know some of y’all are still around! Some of my fondest gaming memories were with the ole TSW crew! <3 <3

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Heya. This has been a while I don’t remember the exact year but anyone from Meliora? I joined a bit later but anyone who knew Arshé, Sheny, Reilu etc.

Well, Hello There Kwisatz! Amazing you remember Nerwen as I havn’t played him since those days, until I went Shadow and have been a shadow priest ever since. Slunt, aka Golota and I still keep in touch! It’s been SOOOOOO long ago! I’m playing a little classic, but I’m mainly a Shadow Priest now named Roid/Evelroid/Evelstumped. It’s so nice to see you again! Crazy 88 for the win! I can’t remember many of the guild names, other than the main one, Crazy 88 with Northwind and Thaise, then good old The Thundering Legion, which I still play with Dracus and some friends.

Add me Roid#1929

Sominus and I still game together, we are on Grobbulus

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In vanilla I was a NE hunter named Micmac then BC expansion I switched to Draenei Shaman named Edarac. Cant remember the guild i was even in but the names I remember are Babyjade, Northwind, Bigpun, Seadon, Archaide (i stole the name lol). If i remember correctly we had the server first Nightbane kill in BC and we had like 7 or 8 bosses down in Naxx before BC. Man that was a long time ago lol

I have been in many guilds through the years… but my characters are:

Korinzu ( Nelf rogue) Vanilla-WOTLK
Kakashinzu (Human DK) WOLTK-MOP
Macklove (Gnome Mage) Vanilla-BC, then WOTLK-MOP
Lelastar (Human Monk) MOP-Present

hi MAIN TANK !! i played hunter Sniperviper

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Landsoul the warrior who inspired me to play one(MAIN) lol this is SNIPERVIPER

Hey Jerk, we are still real id friends!

Zaeria (Gnome Mage) (Zaerya BE Pally - KKW, Woe :frowning:
Playing Zaeria, Undead Mage – Kromkrush

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Somnambulism :smiley:

I just found out this existed, I would name so many people but I’m terrible with names. I’m horde on Grobbulus - Steingrimr, also have a 60 pally on whitemane but ret really sucks in classic/vanilla.

Flay! Other Somnambulism folks!

Its Tripus. I’m playin Tripus again on Alliance Westfall. Hit me up some time would love to catch up. Also Tripus#8593 on Discord.

Saminymph - NE Druid
Angels av Tanda, Meliora, and Court of the Ruby Grail

Istanina -NE Hunter
Court of the Ruby Grail

I don’t know how many will see this or remember, but I had a few characters Alliance side:

  • Zorla (Human Warlock)
  • Lethea (NE Priest)
  • Iscarix (Human Paladin)

Was in < Burning Blitzkrieg > for awhile, but swapped to < Nerfed at Birth > when that disbanded.

If anyone also remembers these few other people, I still keep in touch with them and know how they’re doing:

  • Tristamen (Human Paladin): He streams Minecraft now. :stuck_out_tongue: We’re still buddies.

  • Jovia (Human Priest): She’s a grandma now! :slight_smile: And her grandson is better than her at Overwatch. lol

Anyway, hi y’all. Been awhile.