Maelstrom Alliance Reconnections

Bizsefiroth NELF Hunter anyone from Silven Shadows and Phoenix Rising


Arbiters of Light
the REAL, ACTUAL Scarlet March
Royastrasz Forum Dynasty

i don’t know why im posting here

ed: cool i killed the thread


Imizael! That’s a name i remember. Although there’s the chance I’m mistaken. I played a ton during BC with The Revolutionaries as Pep, my pigtailed warrior gnome. I’ve been wondering how everyone’s been doing.


Nearo, the name is familiar. I wish I had a strong enough memory to remember the details of the social events like bootcamp and such. Hope you guys are doing well. Which server are you on in classic?

Gloirin - Dwarf Paladin
Used to play a lot of endgame (Onyxia, MC, BWL, AQ) with Rune folks. I remember Xaidas, guild leader, and others that I don’t recall the char name anymore.

I’m now playing in Deviate Delight. Same char.

Hi Thuglin, Nearo and the Marines have rolled on Grobbulus! Hope to see you on the battlefields.

You’re not mistaken! I remember the Revos and you specifically, Lopepia. Glad to see you’re doing well!

Hey Gloirin! I raided with you back in the day in Rune on Tarkan, a gnome rogue. huge blast of nostalgia to see all these names i recognize from back in the day, and we all remember you fondly (Me, Daring the NE druid, Silentjay the NE priest, who all stayed in touch)

Deidrianna, dwarven hunter, from Drunken Troll Thumpers and Hugs and Daggers. Anyone from those 2 guilds hanging around in classic ?


Awesome! I remember all those names. Where are you guys playing now?

I remember you all! Would really love to hear if Tamz is still around!

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It’d be great to catch up some more. My tag is MammothAsh#1462. Add me when you get a chance.

Hey buddy. I’m split between DD and Grobb right now. Pending on if some RL friends on DD actually keep playing or not.

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Flayvah / Rs
The Shadow Watch & Somnambulism
Darrin#2652 on Discord
Rolled on Fairbanks Horde

This turned into a shout-out thread.

@Azale, you’re wonderful. Many fond memories of time spent with you and my boy Divus/ Tripus (rip sad he didn’t show up in this thread)

@Galdor you’re a god. I remember having a 30 minute discussion on your tanking prowess in a private channel as we marveled you maintaining aggro on 10+ mobs at a time in Hyjal.

@Imi / Royan / Halio Somnambulism was an incredible meme. Glad to see you all around for another go.

@Paanky Your honor farms were the stuff of legend. Some of my fondest memories in this game were at the end of Vanilla with Phloppy blasting trance sets in Vent while we smashed horde. Shoutouts to Eladain as well.

Thinking of rolling on Grobbulus Alliance.


Let me know where you end up and maybe we can kick some classic butt again in the BG’s 8-).

Let me know where you end up and maybe we can kick some classic butt in BG’s again 8-).

Oh HEY. That’s a throwback name as well.

we’re all on Mankrik horde side now, but we’re all fairly inactive due to work, but still chipping away at it. hit me up at Lustmord#1712 if you ever want to drop by.

<Huntress> will be free transferring to Deviate Delight. The better ping for most of us was just too good to pass up. The lack of queues is a plus, too.

The only issue is that DD is majority Alliance; hopefully a lot of Horde will transfer.

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Hi Iconoclast, used to play with you on Maelstrom I believe? Memory is hard. We played Warr/Dru in s3/s4 and got glad at least once?

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