Madseason - Pristine Servers

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Sorry. I’m probably just triggered by the “era exists” line being used to dismiss entire perspectives.

Yeah. If you want to make a group, an in game tool that facilitates that is required. I cannot recall the last time I saw a non-guild dungeon group all on one server, much less a raid group. Losing access to that regional player pool would be devastating for running anything.

That doesn’t sound like a requirement. That sounds like the point of the server.

This server rule set would be for players like me who prefer making their own group by talking to other players and then traveling to the dungeon. Like as if the game were a world.

If the goal of the server is to be devoid of endgame content, then sure, that’s the point. If the goal is to be a server that people would play on, gutting major functions like that kills it.

I think it just isn’t intended for players like you.

Again, before crossrealm and RDF LFR existed, we all ran content at all levels just fine. You don’t need to be teleported and match made to do dungeons and end game content.

You ran content at low levels fine, firstly. Secondly, according to what you said yourself, the game was more populated then.

Let’s consider this for a minute. The only way you are finding a group is going to realistically be a guild group. Players who push content with their guilds, are in established guilds that currently exist, there is no reason that they would want to play on these servers where they cannot interact with their guildmates, so they wouldn’t go there. Players who push content with pugs wouldn’t be able to play with the vast majority of the playerbase, so they wouldn’t go there. Players who have already leveled alts and geared characters would lose that progression on these servers and be unable to interact with any of the rest of their characters, so they probably wouldn’t play there either.

So who does that leave? People who haven’t played before, who will ultimately wind up on a dead server? Maybe you get one established guild that moves to pick up some cheap server firsts? Where is the population for this?

You talk about how maybe this kind of server would get you to enjoy retail, but this kind of server doesn’t make sense in retail. It is based on things that were moved away from a long time ago, in some cases as far back as Icecrown’s release. There will be a new expansion releasing soon, you can purchase that now and get access to Dragonflight. The only thing that transfers is going to be gold that you have, and there’s plenty of ways to make gold as well. But if, like you said above, you want a server that removes the quality of life aspects of the game, you aren’t going to find much support.

There was a very small amount of talk about having a retail HC SSF (hardcore solo self found) After the “success” of classic HC

Now of course that’s not what you’re asking for but it was an adjacent/similiar idea.

It would’ve had no AH, no Random dungeon finder, lfr, tokens, or any of that.

But it never really went anywhere either.

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Who is “madseason”? They were a 90s band. I can’t keep up with streamer names lol get off my lawn.

If you could humor me, please just describe the core design differences of retail that make it impossible to find a group and run dungeons, raids, heroics/mythics?

I feel like you’re trying to hit that, but I haven’t heard anything that actually prevents players from doing so. It’s sounding like people just “don’t”, but of course they don’t when they have systems that trivialize it for them.

Entirely possible I’m misunderstanding.

lol I shouldn’t have even mentioned it. It’s just confused the topic.

Only reason I did was to give context, but I should have looked up the blue post for that off the rip.

Personally I do think it’s unlikely but I definitely don’t agree with people saying it’s impossible.

In a recent patch when they updated premade group finder to have fancy colors and better filters, the first day it was implemented it was completely broken / unusable.

Did people just resign and not do dungeons that day?

No, they instantly started using trade/general to find groups just like the old days.

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At the very least, the entire population of these servers would be there knowing they’d be doing exactly that.

Is that a sizeable population? I don’t know. I know I’d try it. I’d have to imagine they could fill a single server at the least.

One of the original premises of the “pristine server” concept was that there would be no quality of life improvements. Slow riding mounts only. No aoe looting. Everything that people found annoying and has since been fixed would revert. Even the people who are in favor of the concept in a general way are going on wishful thinking that the things they want would be what they would get, and the things that other people want they shouldn’t get because it would be bad for the game for those people to get what they want.

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Can you link where they said that? Looking to collect official PS info.

FWIW, I’d love that. :+1:t4: “Slow riding” being 100% is good enough for me. QoL has ruined the game, IMO.

Don’t understand the rest of what you said, but this ruleset is for a particular audience. If you’re not in it, it isn’t like they’d take away QoL retail.

A particular audience that wants a lot of engineering done to the game to revert somethings while still making it playable. Everything that now needs to be reached on a flying mount would need a full rework so you can get to it. That would cost a lot.

How are you with forced PvP? There was a bunch of that in the original game. Removal of most flight points and mailboxes? How are you with walking until level 40 and then having to grind out a mount for months?

“Pristine servers” are like “Classic+”. Everybody has their own highly idiosyncratic list of “things it must have” and another list of “things it will never have”. Talk to a dozen people on this and they will be far apart on what they want.

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Content is actually challenging, communities formed across servers, the game advanced from the days of Vanilla and TBC. But also, let’s not forget how little groups actually raided them either, those were simple raids that were still not seen by a vast majority, the grouping tools significantly improved that situation. You could probably get a few groups together to do low-level dungeons, maybe a bit of early heroic raiding, but there is never going to be a point to be on a small, broken server that doesn’t interact with the rest of the game. You have reduced grouping opportunities, which means you cannot push as high, pugging is worse in every conceivable way, and there is 0 benefit to offset that disaster.

And that right there is another thing, you want a server that is a nuisance to play on without basic quality of life that improved the game. So, why would anyone play on that, when they can play on any other server, have 100x the groups available to them, 100x the guilds available to them, better gameplay quality, and better alt game experiences?


The people asking for these things like the OP and the creator of the video he’s referenced fail to grasp why all these features exist to begin with.

Much has changed since that blue post in 2016.

Chromie time/scaling?

Level squish?

Item level squish?

Professions changes?

Ground mounts at10, flying at 30?

In or out?

It’s honestly like nostalgia to the extreme or a desire to recapture what is no longer relevant for the majority of people.

I personally loved hardcore classic but the concept of hardcore was the only thing that made it very fun. Outside of it I quickly was reminded of how utterly dull and tedious classic was in too many aspects. I can personally never go back to running around entire zones for a few gold, killing a few boars and getting a green out of 30 minutes of time.


Can you quote where they said it would entail removal of flying mounts? I would never expect them to do that.

I adore world PvP. I figured this would be war mode still because, again, it’s not in their list of proposed changes.

It sounds like that’s just you. They were very clear in their pitch what it would be.

Because the reasons they don’t play retail would be removed. You’re acting like retail is an objectively superior versions of the game, and evidence would show it’s only gone downhill. Convenience is not quality.

Enlighten me. How are cash shop, boosting, RDF, etc, objectively good and necessary additions?

Nobody is trying to take away your toys.

I don’t see why any of that needs specific changes. The PS proposal was centered around systems.

Because they’re stuck in the past trying to relive a moment that will never happen again… it’s pure nostalgia, nothing to do with the game being good… because it’s not. There is good reason why they don’t put many resources into classic and all their attention goes to retail. :person_shrugging:

But I’m sure they’ll give you some non-sense head-cannon instead.

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