Madseason - Pristine Servers

That was made back in 2016, before the release of Classic. Once they released Classic they undoubtedly felt no need to go any further with the ‘pristine realm’ idea because their version of classic at release had a lot of those features anyhow.

Yet sadly now it does not :confused:

And what is releasing a new vanilla server going to do? Like I said, it’s just going to be a repeat of people speedrunning it and it becoming a ghost town a month later.

Maybe, but do you seriously think they would add this extra thing when they have all the Classic varieties plus retail?

And since its now 8 years and not a peep, I really can’t see it happening. There have been a few posts here about special servers, PvP only servers, etc and its all nice in theory but I don’t think it will happen.

Madseason is a classic Andy and a nostalgia junkie who hasn’t been able to accept that the game has moved on and there is nothing in this universe that will replicate the way he felt when he first played the game. He has never had anything of value to add to any discussion.

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Are you even reading what I’m saying? That has literally never happened in the history of Classic. Classic was populated at PEAK Legion population levels all the way through its lifecycle, and Classic only started nosediving after they added a CASH SHOP.

As much as you stomp your feet and blame nostalgia, Vanilla still has a huge audience. Evidence we have from Blizzard’s own presented numbers shows that it draws more than retail, in fact.

YET AGAIN, we’re completely off topic. Kindly stop whining about how Classic fresh would be wildly successful on the Pristine Servers post.

It seems pretty low lift from my perspective. It’s a copy of the retail expansion servers with an altered ruleset.

I don’t follow retail, so I legit posted this to see if anything else had been done with the idea since they originally pitched it. It seems like it would make retail somewhat playable.

Project someplace else, thanks.

Cope harder

Call your mother.

This is the same concept as those spam threads and their constant requests of “”“FRESH”“” servers… minus the qol’s. It’s FAAAAAAR from new or anything interesting.

Complete waste of resources also…

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It’s a completely new take on modern WoW.

Sure looks like a pretty steady drop well below legions numbers with only a slight uptick once before SL dropped. Who’s the one not based in reality?

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Ignoring the 4 million player uptick and record maintained subs. You really got me!

Well, let’s look at their own post:

“We have been discussing classic servers for years …” and they eventually went that route when it was obvious how massive the interest was in recreating the Classic game experience. Whether or not it was adjusted to add QoL things to it, it remained at its core the Vanilla WoW game.

"So what can we do to capture that nostalgia of when WoW first launched? " What they ended up with was a hugely popular launch of Classic WoW. Lots of people made characters in Classic, probably millions of them. And in time, over the weeks and months, a great many of those people stopped playing it (I was one of them). I think its pretty obvious that the numbers at launch don’t represent the current numbers that play it. Nothing could really hold up to that explosive start over time.

So even assuming people were curious and got into your Pristine server(s) how long do you think they would play it? And what version of WoW would it be? The current retail game without:

  • character transfers
  • levelling acceleration
  • heirlooms
  • character boosts
  • Recruit-a-Friend bonuses
  • Tokens
  • cross realm
  • group finder
  • and whatever other limitations from newer expansions they might include?

Do you really think enough people to make it worthwhile financially would do it, or stick around for it? I have my doubts. I personally wouldn’t be interested.

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I don’t have enough information to speculate accurately, and anyone who pretends to is… pretending.

Yeah, and WoD saw a return of like 10 mil players and SL set records for fastest sales. Does it matter if most of those players are gone before the expansion is even done?

Also, that spike from vanilla classic is an outlier for obvious reasons. You really think you’d see that again on a re-release of the same ol thing?

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Obviously. This is a discussion post on a discussion forum and it functions on opinion, when fact is not available.

Sounds like you want a classic style server in retail… good luck finding people for that, :rofl: because it sounds dreadful.

They dont want to have slow leveling, the intention behind curreent speeds is the season dosnt start at launch so thats the amount of time designed to level and gear up and be ready for a season of end game content.

Pristine servers would really only allow a fresh start so no one goes into a new expansion with the previous advantages - no multiple toons of gold cap, max level gear, thousands of profession materials, This creates entirely new issues in that, would my fave mounts be available or not? What about transmogs and things i have spent years farming?

Banning boosts is a great idea for introductory content but there needs to be a way to level and play multiple toons that dont require a significant time investment to playing them. I dont want to be forced to spend 2 months leveling before i can play endgame, specially if i wanted to play multiple toons at end game. I really think a way to address this issuee is now that we have warbands and a more account wid focus on things, go all out and create things such as increased leveling speed (same as account wide rep boots) upon hitting a level. That way the initial leveling is slower but no longer requires that same amount of time investment to swap classes or roles.

Might impact revenue if they mess with the boost so major changes to it might not be considered.

You lost me when you mentioned a YouTuber.

Madseason used to make decent videos, but he’s become so whiny and every video is just complaining anymore… he’s become a bore.