Madseason - Pristine Servers

I quoted two things. He focused on the wrong one.

The solution to cheating isn’t to make cheating part of the systems of the game.

Again how tf do you guys always drag your tribal crap into every topic? This isn’t a “what are the merits of Classic vs retail” thread.

You’ve contrived an entire situation to hit this punchline. Congrats.

Honestly, I mean this constructively, but who asked?

after GDKPs were banned in SoD, that gamemode died…

i don’t think that sort of experiment will be occurring ever again lol.


You have your timeline wrong. The game was doing great until P3. GDKP is not why sod is failing.

the game fell off really hard in phase 2. that’s when people stopped playing.

when did the GDKP ban become implemented? oh yeah - that’s right: phase 2 :slight_smile:


This sounds bad.

I thought Pristine Servers was this idea of “what could be” before they released Classic. It was something they could do instead of Classic. However, we have Classic now so I doubt anyone is thinking about Pristine Servers at Blizzard.

The hype of Phase 1 fell off. And alts were annoying to play. The alt-unfriendliness is why SOD P2 was bad.

GDKPs are dumb and directly fuel the RMT marketplace. Most GDKPs are run by people who just want to profit off a video game, which makes people who support GDKPs dumb for not running their own GDKPs. So, people who support GDKPs are dumb.

Remove arbitrary currency from the game and the game is better. They should have treated it like Diablo 3 treated their seasons. It’s a tourist game mode.

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that’s actually incorrect, many people enjoy GDKPs because they want to do fun things like PvP without having to spend all their time raiding and doing un-fun pve content.

so GDKPs allow people to farm gold and use that gold to get the pve gear needed to be competitive at pvp.

I made an educated guess. If at some point in the future they announce they are going to create a pristine server, probably as one of those “filler” minigames that now are implemented as limited time “drop everything right now and grind until your eyes bleed” FOMO events intended to fill the gaps they created by saving money on real development, are you seriously trying to convince people that some idea they concocted 10 years earlier was all part of a devious play for wow to get bought out by Microsoft?

Here you go.

GDKPs are dumb. Dumb ideas should be ridiculed.


It could easily work.

Make a fresh start latest xpac server, ban gdkps and services (bans work, see SoD), and error on the side of caution when it comes to bot detection and banning.

Immediately perma ban anything vaguely botlike, and everyone that financially interacted with the probable bot.

Set expectations and make it crystal clear at the very start with a social contract like acknowledgement on login that false positives may happen and that it’s necessary to preserve the economy on this single server.

It’s definitely possible to launch a server and maintain its integrity.

Easily solved with lowered threshold triggers for bans. Bot detection spots illicit gold, illicit gold is sent to a player, player pays for a carry with the gold, bot is then banned, the buyer is then banned, and the service provider is banned.


If payment wants to move outside of the in-game economy, idc, but people will justifiably snitch like they do in SoD. As long as payment moves outside of the game economy then the game economy will be minimally impacted, and that’s all I would really care about.

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if you don’t want to engage with GDKPs, no one is forcing you.

so what is your counter argument to that? well you might say that you feel bad that someone does more dmg than you: does that matter? no it doesn’t

thanks for this conversation, i thoroughly enjoyed it.

have a lovely day, friend :slight_smile:

This guy makes the same video over and over and over. His videos used to rake in millions of views and now is lucky to break 100k. He is permanently stuck in the past and his takes on WoW are bad enough to make Asmongold look reasonable by comparison.

He should just play on a private server tailored to his exceedingly specific needs.


It’s stupid Blizzard doesn’t provide rotating fresh Era Classic servers.

Something even private servers provide (along with a “true” Classic+ experience) that the main company behind WoW can’t or won’t for whatever stupid reason.

Which is, I bet, because they can’t monotize it and sell boosts or token.

It’s why Classic TBC and Wrath were considered untouchable by me, in a bad way- they couldn’t keep their hands from corrupting it.

I’d rather listen to the guy who’s passionate about Classic WoW, than ANYONE who takes Blizzard’s side.

Blizzard doesn’t deserve respect, in fact they are in the negative for ruining basically all they touch.

Both Retail and Classic, ruined to some extent.

They don’t deserve the success of WoW by how hard they’ve mismanaged both the game and themselves.


Two things can be true at once.

Guy is living in the past trying to rekindle something that will never come. Like someone else said, that feeling of the original game can never come back, we know too much, have seen too much, the players have changed, and the world around us has changed as well.


Classic is definitely his jam, and not mine.

But it’s honestly boggling to me that there isn’t a Vanilla server up right now.

There should be, it’d the most popular form of Classic.

Vanilla was more popular than TBC and Wrath, and Cataclysm.

People like you and madseason can’t see past your own noses. Blizzard is still the most popular mmorpg 20 years later because they continued to adapt and innovate over time rather than stay stuck in 2005. I’d rather have that than someone playing the same old footage on repeat for infinity.

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I’m not one who even plays Classic lol, but it was a piece of history.

Putting the most famous version of WoW offline, is just plain stupid.

The classic community really loves to replay fresh era realms.

Even though that’s not my style, I can understand it.

It’s about the journey, and they want to start it over, can’t do that when Vanilla doesn’t even exist anymore lol.

I went to a video game museum exhibit back in 2012 or whatever, and there was a WoW section talking about Vanilla.

I play retail because I like new stuff, but classic games still have a place in gaming.

Mario 64 is still being played, and like half of Nintendo’s show today was all remasters.

People just love their old games. I wouldn’t say they’re living in the past.

Maybe a lot of the new stuff just sucks, and frankly it does lol.

A classic player will just bring up BfA or SL, or DF’s cutscenes. They weren’t great.

This just sounds like a terrible idea, wrapped in a bad concept, and topped off with poor implementation.

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Unless blizzard says otherwise, we don’t know if they will or won’t at some point.

Even everquest only releases a new tlp server once every couple of years.

If madseason was a mario player, he’d have 100 videos about how the series was forever ruined after the introduction of wall jumps.

Lets not pretend all old games are classics either. For every gem there is a dozen flops that no one remembers.

Still more than we used to have.