Made this topic before WOW!

It actually cost $40 to transfer a character in Nz dollars. WOW what a rip off goodbye wow. I was right thats greedy as.

Yeah but that’s like what, $5 AUD :stuck_out_tongue: ?

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WHY WHY WHY… is wow Classic undergoing updates and patches!! The thing is like 15 years old… and it is not being updated to other expansions… How can it not be finished tweaking… it’s already gone through this for over a decade… it’s STILL not right???

It’s free to reroll, well minus the monthly fee.

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38 auz dollars

Work an extra hour OT.

I use to justify the monthly subscription because wow is a great mmo. But there is no way i can justify $40 for 1 character transfer that is just soo greedy

Then … don’t transfer ?
Seriously the idea of the costs for transfers etc. is to discourage their use unless it is a final decision. Rerolling is still free.


how can u defend this lol? Its soo expensive

if it is ‘soo expensive’ then don’t pay it, nobody is forcing you to pay for a character transfer. Heck Blizzard does not charge anything to reroll.


wow u use that as an excuse? its free to re-roll? what if petrol was 1000$ would u mind? or just say ride ur bike?

What ? You are comparing apples and zucinni here .
Why are you so worried about cost of the transfer ? What does it matter ? It does not affect your ability to play if you don’t transfer, nobody is forcing you to transfer.
It’s more like what if they raised the cost of going to the movie to $100 , you can go or not. Just like you can pay for a transfer or not. If it’s worth it to you then pay, if not then don’t.

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It’s just a brazen money grab when the cost of the service provided costs the provider zero in material cost or effort and the price is 10-50$ it’s a blatant money grab and greedy. I wouldn’t pay it either, I’d quit playing before I let myself be scammed even if I had billions of dollars to waste, I’m not going to let someone rip me off because it’s a matter of principles and dignity.

if you feel that way then what does it matter to you ? Why does it matter what it costs if you won’t pay anyway ?

would u expect people to complain to the cinema if movies cost $100 dollars each. Of course you would. And that is what im doing complaining over an overpriced transaction. Yes im not forced to do it, but asking $40 for a transfer to a realm with people on it to try and get off a dead realm is not ok

They’re not going to change the price. I think it adjusts for the region?

sure is, $25 USD has always been the cost for transfers, everyone knew that it would be $25USD to transfer, nobody should have been surprised at this. As a Canadian it also costs me more than that but guess what ? I don’t pay it as I can always reroll if I want to move.

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How much is that in North Korean Won?

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It was released Aug 27th, 2019. It’s barely 4 months old.

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Does it though? :smiley: