Macros for Poisons AssAss

Hey guys, all good?

Ive made a 1 button poison macro for all Assassination Poisons to PVE content, but it often fails.

/castsequence Deadly Poison, Amplifying Poison, Crippling Poison, Numbing Poison

Numbing Poison fails almost all the time.
How can i fix that?


I just click em from the “drop-down” menu. By the time the first one is done casting, my mouse button is already over the next one ready to be clicked.

I’m a big fan of;

“Poisoner” on curseforge

Has audio reminders for poisons so I don’t get caught offguard with instances removing them and not noticing. Wish I could help, but always used this.

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The macro you have listed is essentially the one I use, but I have Numbing before Crippling (doubt this makes a difference) and a conditional so it’ll use Atrophic instead for my ST build.

/castsequence [known:Numbing Poison]Deadly Poison,Amplifying Poison,Numbing Poison,Crippling Poison
/castsequence [known: Atrophic Poison]Deadly Poison,Amplifying Poison,Atrophic Poison,Crippling Poison

When your castsequence gets to Numbing, does it show the correct tooltip?