Macro warrior help

Hey, now the warrior has skills like Shield slam and Shield Block, but needs a shield to use them, how can i use them as arms or fury? I created two macros but they don’t work, I put them here:

#showtooltip Defensive Stance
/cast Defensive Stance
/equip “shield”
/equip “1H Weapon”

#showtooltip Defensive Stance
/cast Defensive Stance
/equip "2H Weapon

the first one is to change to a defensive stance and equip one-handed weapon and shield, and the other one is to return to a battle stance and two-handed weapon, but the issue is that in combat they don’t work, i mean, if I use them out of combat, they do what they must do, but in combat, when i use the first macro, I have to press it many times to change weapons, it always put the shield first but not the weapon (this because I put in the macro to first equip the shield, but if I put the weapon first is the same thing, never equips both at once), then I have to still pressing it to put the 1H weapon.

And in fury, I don’t know how to go back to two 2H weapons after using the first macro, because if I use the second macro, it only changes the weapon, the shield always stay, I can’t go back to two 2H weapons, I have to do it manually

I think they might not be working because changing weapons and casting defensive stance are both on the global cooldown.

I’ve been using the macros outlined in this video (no affiliation)

(Gist of the video is, create a named swapping set, and in your macro swap to that set itself. As well as other macros that might be useful, e.g. charge/intercept macro, macro that changes ability based on what type of weapon you have equipped (shield or two handed) etc.)

The benefit is, if you get a new weapon or shield, all you need to do is change the set you have saved, not the macro itself.

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Note, I don’t believe you can swap equipment sets in arena. You would have to have a macro for swapping just the weapons, and like you said about the GCD, you have to be careful about the GCD or you will only swap the shield, not the 1 hander.

With regards to fury you have to specify the equipment slot in the macro or its always going to try and equip to your main hand.

The macro Command for equipping a main hand and offhand is

/equipslot 16 “name of weapon”

/equipslot 17 “name of weapon”

Off hand weapon or shield whichever goes into slot 17.


I did test the equipment set swap macro outlined in that YouTube video in an arena skirmish and it seemed to let me swap between different equipment sets with different weapons in them. Didn’t test it in ranked arena though.