Macro to share current player location

I made a macro to share current player location using the new map pins, thought i’d share it. not really sure if it can be made any smaller.

/run map=C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player");posi=C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(map,"player");C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(UiMapPoint.CreateFromCoordinates(map,posi:GetXY()));SendChatMessage(format("Chest at %s",C_Map.GetUserWaypointHyperlink()),"CHANNEL",nil,1)


/1 Chest at %loc

last i checked, that doesn’t utilize the new map pins

No, it does not.

What would you do if you wanted it to announce your targets name instead of “chest”

“Rustfeather up at - Map”

for mobs

/run m=C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player");p=C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(m,"player");C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(UiMapPoint.CreateFromCoordinates(m,p:GetXY()));SendChatMessage(format("%s: %s",UnitName("target"),C_Map.GetUserWaypointHyperlink()),"CHANNEL",nil,1)

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I made it smaller, and also managed to fit in health percentages

/run local c,p,t,m=C_Map,"player","target"m=c.GetBestMapForUnit(p)c.SetUserWaypoint{uiMapID=m,position=c.GetPlayerMapPosition(m,p)}SendChatMessage(format("%%t (%d%%)%s",UnitHealth(t)/UnitHealthMax(t)*100,c.GetUserWaypointHyperlink()),"CHANNEL",nil,1)


The macro works great and I love it.

There is 1 weird thing that I am not sure if it is a feature or a byproduct, but when your target is a rare it says

{rt3}Arachnoid Harvester (96%)[ Map Pin Location]

I don’t mind the “{rt3}” part and will be using the macro regardless. I assume you would appreciate the report on it thought.

I didn’t know that the %t substitution would also show the raid target, that’s a nice feature I suppose, thanks for telling. We can’t remove it with just UnitName() since then it would be too big for the macro :confused:

Is that what that means? So it is doing it because another addons marks it with a skull.

I was wrecking my mind trying to figure out what that meant

It’s just Blizzard adding that in, I guess a very handy feature when people want to announce they just sheeped a mob marked with a raid target which makes it more noticeable

Unless you mean why it was marked, then another addon or player already marked your target with e.g. a skull yea

It is my rare tracker marking it.

My only actual question was more of a statement “oohhh the rt3 is there because I have it marked”

I legit couldn’t figure out why it was putting that there. My best guess was it identifying it as a rare elite and that somehow bleeding over to the %t

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mmm I misunderstood :sweat_smile:

I’d like to post the coordinates in chat as well. I have a macro extender so im not limited to 255 characters. I tried the following:

/run local c,p,t,m=C_Map,“player”,“target"m=c.GetBestMapForUnit§c.SetUserWaypoint{uiMapID=m,position=c.GetPlayerMapPosition(m,p)}SendChatMessage(format(”%%t is up at %d,%d (%d%%)%s",UnitHealth(t)/UnitHealthMax(t)*100,c.GetUserWaypointHyperlink()),“CHANNEL”,nil,1)

Also, is it possible to use the target’s location instead of the player’s?

/run local c,p,t,m,q=C_Map,"player","target"m=c.GetBestMapForUnit(p)q=c.GetPlayerMapPosition(m,p)c.SetUserWaypoint{uiMapID=m,position=q}SendChatMessage(format("%%t is up at [%.1f, %.1f] (%d%%)%s",q.x*100, q.y*100,UnitHealth(t)/UnitHealthMax(t)*100,c.GetUserWaypointHyperlink()),"CHANNEL",nil,1)

There is UnitPosition() which can be transformed to uimap coords, but it also only works on players so not possible :frowning:

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THANK YOU for the solution and explanation. Your assistance makes this game way more enjoyable!

If i ran wow i’d make sure contributors such as yourself were rewarded with free subscriptions, a special in-game title, and maybe even given priority in queues. #Recognize

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Thanks to this thread and Kibit’s code, Macro-Talk’s added map pins as a substitution, %wp

/stopmacro [noexists]
/1 %T %Thp - %sz (%loc) %wp

Name HP% - SubZone (coords) [Map Pin]


That’s great! Ty for the info.

I’m always surprised when i see a top ten addon list that doesn’t mention Macro-Talk.