Macro to see pet breed ids?

Is there such a thing? The only thing I’ve been able to find with Google are add-ons which look more complicated than I need.

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No, unfortunately. Unlike the web api, Blizzard doesn’t expose pet breeds to the in-game api. This is something I wish they’d do.

An addon needs to look at the stats and then reverse engineer a best guess of what breed it is, based on many factors. Beyond the expected rarity/level/stats, they need to look at the species’ base stats/possible breeds, whether it’s a wild pet or one in the journal, etc. Even then the best guess can differ for low level pets where the pet hasn’t accumulated enough stats to tip the hand of which breed they are.

Until Blizzard exposes what breed a pet is in-game (for macros or addons to use if not for its own use), it will be impossible to estimate a breed without an addon.

I personally use Battle Pet Breed ID:


Thank you for your help!


Yeah, Battle Pet BreedID is great for it. A few of them give weird displays (Like Tiny Harvester) but it is by far a great tool to instantly see what it is and whether you want to even bother fighting the fight or just backing out.