Macro to open Spellbook?

Specifically, if possible, I’m looking to make a macro that would open the whole Professions spellbook.

/run PlayerSpellsUtil.TogglePlayerSpellsFrame(3)

Change the 3 to 1 or 2 if you want one of the other tabs.

If you want it to open to “two page mode”

/run PlayerSpellsUtil.TogglePlayerSpellsFrame(3) local m=PlayerSpellsFrame.MaximizeMinimizeButton.MaximizeButton if m:IsShown() then m:Click() end

Actually on trying this now I realize this opens the Talents and Spellbook.

Can this modified to open Professions?

Selective seeing, you had Professions and spellbook in your OP:

/run ToggleProfessionsBook()
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Awesome! tyty =D