Macro to kill the Raise Dead Ghoul as Blood and Frost

Hi there. Just curious as to where or not it’s possible to have a short/concise macro that simply despawns my uncontrollable raise dead pet.

/run if not UnitAffectingCombat("player")then for i=1,4 do n="t"..i CreateFrame("Button",n,UIParent,"SecureUnitButtonTemplate")_G[n]:SetAttribute("type","destroytotem")_G[n]:SetAttribute("totem-slot",i)end end
/click t1
/click t2
/click t3
/click t4    

Here’s one that kills treants for rdruid, but I need something a little shorter. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Appreciate any assistance.

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I’m basically a novice, but since you’ll effectively only ever have 1 “totem” as a dk, you can probably scrub all the things to get it to run 4 times.

This is 164/255

/run do n="t"..1 CreateFrame("Button",n,UIParent,"SecureUnitButtonTemplate")_G[n]:SetAttribute("type","destroytotem")_G[n]:SetAttribute("totem-slot",1)end
/click t1
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Aha, that did it. Thank you. :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

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