Macro to kick focus if enemy, target if no focus/focus is ally?

Basically the title. Let’s say Rebuke on paladin; is there a way to make a macro that if I have a Focus that is an enemy it kicks them first, but if I have no focus or if my focus is my tank or something, it instead kicks my current target?

/cast [@focus,harm,nodead] [] Rebuke

Thank you! I’m trying to kick it up a notch on my shaman using modifiers.

/cast [nomod,@focus] [] Wind Shear
/cast [mod:alt [] Purge
/cast [mod:ctrl] [] Hex

This works as I would expect (with working modifiers) if I have a target but no focus; but once I set a focus it gets “stuck” on Wind Shear. Any advice? I’m tring to use the macro as a focus kick but able to hex/purge the current target with different modifiers.

Slight typo on your posted macro (you forgot a closing bracket on second cast line). I would recommend trying this:

/use [mod:alt] Purge
/use [mod:ctrl] Hex
/use [nomod, @focus, exists, harm, nodead][] Wind Shear

This will cast:

  1. Purge at your current target if alt is held down
  2. Hex at your current target if control is held down
  3. Wind Shear at your focus target, if one exists and is an attackable target and is not dead while no modifier keys are held
  4. Wind Shear at your current target if the above conditionals are not met.
[this, and this]
[this] [or this]
/cast [mod:alt] Purge; [mod:ctrl] Hex; [@focus,harm,nodead] [] Wind Shear
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