Macro to enter predetermined phrase into current chat editor box (NOT /p, or /s, or /y, or /w "character name")

So if someone asks for a port who is in a group, I can whisper them and say “in grp.” But what if I want to just click their name to open the whisper chat editor box and instead of typing “in grp,” just press the macro and it pastes “in grp” into that current chat box editor for THAT specific character I am intending to whisper? I know its two words but Im genuinely curious how a macro like that would work if one can even be made.


You literally make a macro with in grp as its contents and hit it while the edit box is open and it’ll send to whatever channel you would send to if you were typing normally and hit enter.

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I tried that but it doesnt work.

Ok, so looks like there’s a caviat that the edit box needs to be associated with your main chat window.

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nvm got it, it automatically sends it. I dont even need to press enter. Thanks lol

Yeah, if you want it to populate the edit box and not just send the message there’s a way to do that too, but it’s more complex. I think Fizzle posted a macro for it a couple months ago.

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I opened a whisper window to someone, pressed the macro that had “in grp” without quotes and it didnt just paste but sent it completely. Cool thank you Ill check that one out.

Took some hunting, couldn’t find the one I was looking for but…

The show the edit box and populate it with text:

/run ChatEdit_ActivateChat(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox, 0) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox:SetText("words")

To just populate it with text:

/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox:SetText("words")
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Nice! Now I just need to figure a way to remove the custom script warning to eliminate that step of clicking accept on the pop up lol but Im sure I can find that easily by doing some googling.

Thank you again for all the help and going out of your way!

You should only see that the first time you execute a custom script.