MACRO to change/load HUD layout profile

In HUD Edit Mode, I have created several layouts and name them.
I would like to know if there a macro (or a small addon) to switch between layout.
Or a macro to load a specific HUD layout, something like:
/load HUD <layout_name>

Thanks for the help^^

I came here to ask this very question.

This will switch to an indexed layout (3 in this case) and print to chat which one it’s using:

/run EditModeManagerFrame:SelectLayout(3)

Replace 3 with different numbers to see options (1 is Modern, 2 is Classic for me, and new ones start at 3).

Also if the above has issues with taint for whatever reason, you can use the base API too:

/run C_EditMode.SetActiveLayout(3)

Though that won’t tell you which one you just loaded.

edit: Here’s a macro to toggle between layouts 2 and 3:

/run local a,b=2,3 EditModeManagerFrame:SelectLayout(C_EditMode.GetLayouts().activeLayout==a and b or a)

I’m not seeing anything obvious that lets us deal with layouts by name, but I haven’t looked hard so they may be there.


thx so much, works perfectly =)