Macro SHOULD work but does not?

So I am trying to get a macro that can toogle between 2 different gear sets. I have one already that swaps my single target and fishing sets, works just fine. It’s basically an if, then, else statement in blizztalk. So now I have separate legendaries for single target and aoe, so I set up a very similar macro… read up a bit about conditional options, the fishing one uses a “equipped:fishing pole.” So I think if I add a short to one of those sets, bingo there is something to return true or false, and trigger the correct set being equipped. I tried the second one with equipped, seems to make no difference if it’s equipped or worn. The forst on swaps to my Fishing set if I am ST equipped, and a second press brings it back to my ST set.

HOWEVER, if I am in ST, the second one will switch me to my AOE set, but will NOT switch me back to the ST set. EVEN though “worn:Shirts” is the false. This makes NO SENSE to me… what am I missing?

/equipset [equipped:Fishing Pole] ST;Fishing
/equipset [worn:Shirts] ST;AOE

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yeah…I dont know what it is with fishing macros, lol.
I was fishing yesterday…macro thats worked for months just stops equipping my fishing pole
oh…that was until I was DONE fishing…then mysteriously it just started working again

/castsequence reset=1 Fishing, Anglers Fishing Raft
/equip The Brokers Angle’r
/use Bat Visage Bobber

like right now…im NOT fishing and it works perfectly.
Equips my pole and activates the bobber, and a double tap will cast the Anglers Raft, then reset back to casting fishing…

It should be Shirt, not Shirts

Hmmm, I got it to partially work using Shirts. Changing it to Shirt, and NOW it never, ever switches, no matter where I start from. AND I tried “worn” and “equipped.”

Are both those equipset lines in the same macro?

No, they are 2 very separate macros… just trying to show some code that works and some that does not.