Macro Question

How do you make a macro that prevents double casting an ability? For example, as a rogue. Sometimes I get a little excited and I will click stealth a couple of times and it will put me in stealth and then immediately take me out of it. Ideally I would want to use the same button to unstealth, but have there be a delay so it doesn’t happen immediately. Hopefully that makes sense.

I know there is a way to stop this, but I can’t seem to find it. I bet it has been said before, but I am failing at searching :frowning:

OKay, so I found the macro to stop allowing the button to unstealth you… but I’d still rather have the ability to use it for both, just with a delay.

/cast !Stealth

That is how you make it to where you only enter stealth with this button. Any way to put a delay on it to allow you to use it again to exit stealth?

There’s a 1 GCD delay on the regular cast. With the forced on casting, you’ll need to use a modifer or some other condition to cancel.

/cast !Stealth
/cancelform [mod]
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