Macro or script to say thank you and leave all group types?

Hello, I have a simple macro I’ve been using while leveling. It’s intent is to say thanks in party/raid (mostly dungeons) chat and then leave but it doesn’t always fire the chat message off before dropping group. This is it:

/i ty guys!
/script LeaveParty();

I’m hoping there is a better way to do this that makes sure that I say thanks before the group is dropped. Appreciate any help.

Could try to add a delay before leaving.

/gr from Macro-Talk will take care of picking the correct chat channel.

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Right on, I’ll give it a try. Thanks again, Elvenbane. Really appreciate your help.

This has changed

  • Create a Macro or Type the command /script C_PartyInfo.LeaveParty()
    • Changed in Shadowlands Prepatch 9.0.1 from /script LeaveParty()
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