Macro on Friendly Target

So, for arena I’m using:
/tar twisted appendage
/cast power word: shield

If the enemy has a proc up though, it might target theirs. How do I differentiate between my friendly appendage and and hostile one so I’m not targeting theirs and shielding myself by doing so?

You can’t.

Best you can do is make it not cast shield if you’re targeting a hostile one.

/tar twisted appendage
/cast [@target,help] Power Word: Shield
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Are you sure? /tar appears to accept macro commands.

Try this:

/tar [noharm] twisted appendage
/cast power word: shield

Those conditions test against your current target etc. not the intended target of the /tar command.

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Okay that’s interesting. What about using the @unit id? This only works if the unit is in your party, but it also appears to work with friendly pet names.

/cast [@Twisted Appendage] Power Word: Shield