Macro modifier functionality

This is not about how shift, ctrl, alt work. The question is if there is a way to tap one of these and the modifier remains active until it’s tapped again. Example.

Suppose I have a macro on my 1 key. Unmodded, it casts Taunt. Modded, it casts Shield Wall. Standard UI function is that I only get to press shield wall so long as I’m holding down the modifier. I want to be able to just tap the modifier, keep up the modded spell, and then tap it again to go back to unmodded.

Is there any way to do this?

Not that I’m aware of. You might be able to do with an external program like AHK or something but that could also get you banned, though I’d put it in the grey zone with regards to 1 press 1 action.

That’s unfortunate. My hands don’t reach super well across the keyboard. Technically I can reach but my hands just don’t do very well with it. It’s why I’ve virtually avoided modifier macros throughout my wow playing history.

You could also try the Windows Sticky Key Feature.

I’m going to look into that. Thanks!

Personally I have the modifier keys on my mouse thumb buttons so that I avoid the awkward pinky pressing of the mod keys. Just having Ctrl and Alt on my 2 thumb buttons has made a huge difference. Not sure if that is something that would help in your situation but I thought I’d offer it.

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