Macro help

Trying to set up two ranks of Healing Touch with a mouse over macro, with an ALT modifier for the higher rank. This is what I have set up:

#showtooltip Healing Touch(Rank 4)
/cast [@mouseover,help][] Healing Touch(Rank 4)
/cast (mod:alt)(@mouseover,help)[] Healing Touch(Rank 5)

I can’t for the life of me figure out why this won’t work. Used similar MoM’s for the baseline and those work just fine.

[this, and this]
[this] [or this]
/cast [mod:alt,@mouseover,help,nodead] [mod:alt] Healing Touch(Rank 5); [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Healing Touch(Rank 4)
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Thanks! Working great now.