Macro help

Is there a way to macro unholy blight to outbreak, and have UB take priority over outbreak? I’m not hopeful, but if anyone has a macro (or even a “not possible”), I would be very appreciative.

I’m sorry, but that’s not possible :frowning:

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All good, I totally expected that. I was hoping to free up a button for, what is essentially the same thing.

You could try:

#showtooltip Unholy Blight
#showtooltip Outbreak
/cast Unholy Blight
/cast [mod:alt] Outbreak

I haven’t played my DK in a bit, but if memory serves, I saved a few buttons by combining out of combat things with attacks (mount out of combat, death strike in combat), and some off-GCD buffs with the harder hitting attacks.
I know it’s not what you were looking for, but that’s the best I can help with.

Oh, and all my pet management was attached to all buttons to make it automatic. Something like:

/Petfollow [notexists]
/Stopmacro [harm,nodead]
/Cast outbreak

That’ll call off the pet if you don’t have a target, or send him in if you do

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Err, that macro is not quite right, I’ll paste it tomorrow. Typing on the phone sucks

I’ve just been playing a more passive version of UH, but I decided to switch over to unholy blight, and an execute, because not having one feels weird coming from my paladin.

Agreed, all good.

This should work:

/castsequence reset=45 Unholy Blight, Outbreak

Oh man, that’s awesome. I’ll have to try this after I get home from work. Thanks for the help.

Sorry, here’s a working copy of the pet control macro (if you focus someone, the pet and you will assist them, you can remove that line if you don’t want it)

#showtooltip Serpent Sting
/assist [@focus]
/petfollow [noexists][harm, dead]
/stopmacro [noexists][harm,dead]
/cast [harm, nodead] Serpent Sting

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