Macro Help!

I feel like ive gotten pretty good with macros these days. But this one has me stumped. Please, need a giga-chad to save my bacon.


/cast [@focus,harm,exists,mod:shift][@mouseover,harm,exists][harm]Dispel Magic;[@cursor,help,exists][@mouseover,help,exists]Purify

This macro is a dispel enemy/dispel ally Help/Harm. Its not functioning for cursor over unit frames. Now ill post a similar help/harm that is working over unit frames or mouseover.


/use [@mouseover,harm,exists][harm]Holy Fire;[@cursor,help,exists][@mouseover,help,exists]Heal

Let me know if you see something i missed.

Both those are wrong, @cursor and @mouseover are mutually exclusive in terms of the spells they work with.

Use one of these templates:

That said, the issue with the first one is probably the key you have it bound to. UnitFrames eat mouse clicks, you need to use an addon like Clique to get around it.

It turns out, both of those macros function fully. You were 100% right about it being the key-bind. I normally have it on my mouse, which was not functioning as intended. Soon as i put it on the keyboard, it worked. Thank you.

I am curious what you mean by those being mutually exclusive, because it functions in all ways you can imagine. Scrolling over a player, or their unit frame, or an enemy. Working down the line in entirety.

The only type of spells that can be cast @cursor are reticle spells (Mind Soothe, Mass Dispel, Holy Word: Sanctify etc.). Those spells cannot be targeted at individual unit locations (aside from @player) so are never eligible for @mouseover. It won’t break the macro, so long as you have a fallback (which you do), it’s just a waste of chars.

Similarly, you don’t need multiple existence checks in a single test help and harm both imply exists so just use the most specific one (those tests don’t apply to reticle spells either).

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