Macro Help


I play Holy Paladin and I’m looking for a rebuke macro.

I would like this macro to cast rebuke on the nearest enemy target, regardless of my target (friendly or enemy) and keep my current target. I would also like to add a shift modifier in the macro to cast rebuke at my focus when pressing shift without losing my target.

Please let me know if this is possible.

Thank you,

Not possible. You can have it select an enemy target then switch back to your current target, but you can’t do nearest enemy without switching targets.

/targetenemy [nomod,noharm]
/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead] [] Rebuke
/targetlasttarget [nomod]

Gets janky if you’re already targeting an enemy because you can’t tell if your original target was an enemy or ally by the time you get to the /targetlasttarget.

These is better options imo.

/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] [@mouseovertarget,harm,nodead] [@targettarget,harm,nodead] [] Rebuke