Macro Help: Target Friendly

Is there a simple, straight forward way of creating a macro that merely targets the nearest friendly? That’s it, nothing else. No emoting, casting, or ganking :stuck_out_tongue:

Similar to “/target focus” :slight_smile:
Thank you

/cleartarget [dead][nohelp][mod:ctrl]
/tar [@mouseover,help,nodead,mod:alt][@focus,help,nodead,mod:shift]
/targetfriend [noexists]

That’ll hold target on your current friendly target unless it’s dead or no longer helpable (charmed or mind-controlled for instance) or you hold the ctrl key down.

Then it’ll target a friendly, living mouseover unit if you have one and the alt key is down or a friendly, living focus unit if you have one and the shift key is down.

Then it’ll target the nearest friend in your forward cone if you don’t (after all of that) have a target.

A bit more than you wanted, but it’s the ‘help’ version of my own targeting macros for attacking enemies and I know it works.


You are a gentletauren and a scholar. Thank you :slight_smile:


Just found this, and thank you. I painfully found out that if you are not fluent in macros you have no chance of surviving a dungeon. I tried 10 times and was kicked 8 of them - in every case I think because I could not keep up without macros.
