Macro Help (Monk - Enemy/Friendly)


I’m looking for a macro that will cast Detox on a friendly if I have him selected or Spear Hand Strike on an enemy if I have him selected. I would also like a shift modifier to cast Spear Hand Strike on my focus if there is one. If there is not a focus it will perform regular.

Thank you very much in advance.

/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead] [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Spear Hand Strike; [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] Detox; Spear Hand Strike

How would it look if I wanted to get rid of the mouse over spear hand strike portion?

The same, just without that condition set.

/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm,nodead] Spear Hand Strike; [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] Detox; Spear Hand Strike

I’m literally clueless trying to make a detailed macro. I’m trying thanks for all the help.