[Macro Help] Ice Lancing Mirror Images in gammas

Trying to create a macro to target Mirror Image and cast Ice Lance, and don’t want to take time to tweak it while in the dungeon (people get cranky these days). I found one on Disc, but can anyone help make actually work?

/cast [target=Mirror Image,mod][@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Ice Lance

Seems like a lot going on here that might not be necessary? I would prefer it to target the next MI without the mouseover.


I suspect you can’t target Mirror Images via macros (just like you can’t target totems, psyfiends etc.) but if you can this would be the syntax:

/targetexact Mirror Image
/cast Ice Lance
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For the record, it works like a champ when you drop “exact”…auto-targets the closest MI to you and casts IL simultaneously with one keypress. Without it, Nexus Gammas would be impossible as new Mirror Images spawn about every 20 seconds or so, and each mob has a chance to spawn 3 MI on threat.

/target Mirror Image
/cast Ice Lance