Starting to learn macros and I am finding them super helpful. I’ve done some reading and have this macro set up for my druid to save some space depending if i’m targeting a friendly or enemy:
/cast [harm]Moonfire; Rejuvenation
This is great, but I have “control” set up as a “self cast” button and “alt” set up as my “focus target” button. This particular macro doesn’t seem to work with these ( I double checked my wow UI and Bartender4 UI to ensure they both have it set up to reflect). I imagine I need to add some sort of modifier in but my brain hurts trying to figure out the particular string and was hoping for some help.
A real bonus, again not sure if it’s possible, would also be an additional mouseover ability, but that just seems even more absurd to figure out haha. I see a lot of people using mouse over and wanted to try it out, seems convenient in PvP. Hoping some of you big brains could give me a hand. Appreciate any help.
Thank you for the quick response, I will try that out at the bottom and adjust spells for the others. I am still wrapping my head around it trying to decipher how and why it is written that way. I am going to read the post you made and quoted from in here. Do you have any additional recommendations for me to read so I can understand why you made that the way you did?
Follow up questions, well, more of confirmations (based on what I am reading):
I adjusted the macro you provided for damage only skills that I don’t need to apply harm/help. I wanted to apply it to my Warlock as well, but I run two “/castsequence” macros for two different sets of DoTs. This macro will not be able to have a cast sequence applied to it, correct?
I looked all over and the only thing I could find was from a lonnnnng time ago in vanilla days, but is there a way to modify a macro based on the class of the target? For example, it would be nice to use “Curse of Weakness” on melee classes and “Curse of Tongues” on casters based off one key.
Thanks again for all your help, your help has been invaluable.
Excellent. I have been able to transfer all of these over to damage only and heal only classes by editing what you originally provided and reading for an hour or two lol.
I have one macro that I am making an error somewhere. I was using:
/cast [talent:5/2] Mortal Coil; [talent:5/3] Howl of Terror
This was so that when I went into arena I could change from Mortal Coil to Howl of Terror if I was facing heavy melee. I tried adjusting it to:
/cast [mod:alt,@focus,harm,nodead] [talent:5/2] Mortal Coil; [talent:5/3] Howl of Terror; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [harm] [talent:5/2] Mortal Coil; [talent:5/3] Howl of Terror; [talent:5/2] Mortal Coil; [talent:5/3] Howl of Terror
This was in line with the adjustment I successfully made for damage only spells. So the “alt focus” modifier is working and the spell changes when I change the talent, but the mouseover isn’t working. I think I’m confusing the macro at the end, as in they aren’t reading grouped up correctly due to the semi colons?
I am playing on my Resto Shaman a bit. Thanks to elvenbanes help on my warlock macros I was able to adjust those to what I need for this. I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this but not sure it’ll work, but I am trying to see if with my help/harm macro I can make it cast on my focus target if no target is selected (instead of myself). The macro I am using is: