[Macro Help] [Druid] [Retail] Single Button Wild


I’m trying to set up a single button macro to either cast Wild Mushroom or Efflorescence, depending on what spec I’m at.

When in Balance spec, the macro should cast Mushroom on mouseover; if no enemy is on mouseover, it should attempt to cast it on the current target, if it’s an enemy.

When in Restoration spec, the macro should cast Efflorescence at mouse cursor.

The following is what I have at the moment; the Balance part works, however I can’t make the Restoration half work. Nothing happens when I press this macro on Restoration spec.

/cast [spec:1,@mouseover,harm,nodead]Wild Mushroom; [spec:1,@target,harm,nodead]Wild Mushroom; Wild Mushroom; [spec:4,@cursor]Efflorescence

Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?

Third instance of Wild Mushroom was causing the problem.

/cast [spec:1,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [spec:1] Wild Mushroom; [spec:4,@cursor] Efflorescence
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