Macro Help: 1 macro for 4 slash commands

I’m trying to use one macro to open addon configuration/settings with modifiers (using IsShift/Alt/ControlKeyDown() ) versus using key bindings or 4 macros

/move --opens Move Anything --want to use nomod
/msbt – opens Mik’s Scrolling Battle Text --want to use mod:shift
/macro – opens Macros --use mod:alt
/tip – opens Tip Settings --use mod:ctrl

All I can find on any site is this long ridiculous line for a simple 5 character string:

/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox:SetText("/move") ChatEdit_SendText(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox, 0)

how can I send slash commands with modifiers with out having to have all this text for one simple 5 character string?

Reason I ask is having Parkinson’s is difficult and using one macro with max 2 button press is easier than trying to remember what key binding is for what or typing the string. I’m currently using 4 macros and with 5 characters over 100, I’m running short on macro allotment.

Much obliged for any help.

Here you go:

/run r=SecureCmdOptionParse("[mod:ctrl]/tip;[mod:alt]/m;[mod:shift]/msbt;/move") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox:SetText(r) ChatEdit_SendText(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox, 0)


/opt [mod:ctrl] /tip; [mod:shift] /msbt; [mod:alt] /m; /move