Oh boy, I love macro threads. Here is a full dump of my 18 character specific macros, covering (almost) every ability for all 3 specs. I didn’t include PvP talents and a couple of talents that I just drop on the bar and use as is, but everything else is here.
- Main Nuke - Aimed Shot in MM, Kill Command in BM, Wildfire Bomb in SV. Built in Misdirect to your pet when solo. Press with CTRL held down for Double Tap if talented.
#showtooltip [spec:1]Kill Command;[spec:3]Wildfire Bomb;[mod,talent:6/3]Double Tap;Aimed Shot
/use [@pet,pet,nogroup]Misdirection
/use [spec:1]Kill Command;[spec:3]Wildfire Bomb;[mod,talent:6/3]Double Tap;[nochanneling]Aimed Shot
- Burst CDs. Basic press for Trueshot/Aspect of the Wild/Coordinated Assault. Press with Alt for Primal Rage if you have the appropriate pet, press with Shift as SV for Aspect of the Eagle.
/use [mod:alt,pet:Wolf/Scalehide/Clefthoof]Command Pet;[mod:shift,spec:3]Aspect of the Eagle;[spec:1]Aspect of the Wild;[spec:2]Trueshot;Coordinated Assault
/use [combat]13
- CC, basic Snare and Scare Beast macro
/use [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,harm][mod:ctrl,@focus,harm][mod:ctrl]Scare Beast;[@mouseover,harm][@focus,harm][]Wing Clip
- Camouflage/Feign Death/Play Dead. Talent into Camo and you get Camo out of combat, Feign in combat. Pressing shift also triggers Play Dead (and Wake Up), and forces Feign Death out of combat if Camo is talented.
/use [talent:3/3,nocombat,nomod:shift]Camouflage;Feign Death
/use [pet,mod:shift]Play Dead
- Focus dump. Cobra Shot for BM, Arcane Shot for MM, Raptor Strike or Arcane Shot for SV depending on equipped weapon.
#showtooltip [spec:1]Cobra Shot;[spec:3,noequipped:Bows]Raptor Strike;[nochanneling]Arcane Shot
/use [@pet,pet,nogroup]Misdirection
/use [spec:1]Cobra Shot;[spec:3,noequipped:Bows]Raptor Strike;[nochanneling]Arcane Shot
- Stealth detection/scouting. Flare normally, Hunter’s Mark (with mouseover targeting) if you press with CTRL, Eagle Eye if you press with SHIFT.
/use [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,harm][mod:ctrl]Hunter's Mark;[mod:shift]!Eagle Eye;[@player,mod:alt][]Flare
- Harpoon with weapon swap. Equips a polearm if you currently have a bow equipped, so press twice in quick succession as Harpoon won’t trigger on the first press unless you already have a 2h equipped.
#showtooltip Harpoon
/equip [equipped:bows]Thornsweeper Scythe
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Harpoon
- Helpful Utility. Press with ALT for Aspect of the Turtle, with CTRL for Exhilaration, with CTRLALT to use a Healthstone, with SHIFT for Survival of the Fittest/Master’s Call if you have the appropriate pet, and with no modifier for Disengage. Will weapon swap to a bow if you Disengage while in Survival spec.
/cancelaura [mod:alt]Aspect of the Turtle
/use [mod:ctrlalt]Healthstone;[mod:alt]Aspect of the Turtle;[mod:ctrl]Exhilaration;[mod,pet:hyena][mod,nopet][mod,pet:Turtle]Command Pet;Disengage
/equip [spec:3,noequipped:bows]The Philosopher
- Interrupt, with Mouseover/Focus targeting, for all specs.
/use [@mouseover,harm,spec:3][@focus,harm,spec:3][spec:3]Muzzle;[@mouseover,harm][@focus,harm][]Counter Shot
- Kill Shot with baked in Misdirection and
. I want to be able to immediately cancel a filler Steady Shot to fire it. This version of Misdirection will also auto-Misdirect to the tank in a group if you have them set as focus.
#showtooltip Kill Shot
/use [@pet,pet,nogroup][@focus,help,nodead]Misdirection
/equip [spec:3,equipped:bows]Thornsweeper Scythe
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][@focus,harm,nodead][]Kill Shot
- Standalone Misdirection. Targets your friendly target first, then focus, then pet. If none of those are true, will bring up the selection cursor for you to click a target, but only in combat. Out of combat uses the bottom trinket, which in my case is the Mistcaller’s Ocarina.
/use [nocombat,noexists]14
/stopmacro [nocombat,noexists]
/use [help][@focus,help,nodead][@pet,pet,nodead][]Misdirection
- Mount macro. Includes Hearthstone, repair mount, and various speed boosts. the
/click TF
bit runs some custom code that puts me in Human form the first time I mount up after combat, the /click SF
bit runs custom code that fires a Goblin Glider Kit, Updraft, or zone-appropriate Slow Fall toy. The /click RW
bit runs custom code that uses Running Wild but only while in the Maw, so I can use my normal mounts the rest of the time with the same keybind.
/click TF
/use [mod:shift]Tome of Town Portal;[mod:alt,outdoors]Traveler's Tundra Mammoth;[mod:ctrl]Darkflight;[mod:alt][combat]Aspect of the Cheetah;[indoors]Soulshape;[flyable]Huntmaster's Dire Wolfhawk;Garn Nighthowl
/click RW
/click SF
local SF = CreateFrame("Button","SF",nil,"SecureActionButtonTemplate")
local SF_macro_text =[[
/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 0
/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cancelaura [nomod:ctrl]Goblin Glider
/cancelaura [nomod:ctrl]Aviana's Feather
/cancelaura [nomod:ctrl]Rocfeather Skyhorn Kite
/use 15
/use Goblin Glider Kit
/use Aviana's Feather
/use Rocfeather Skyhorn Kite
/use [pet:Rylak][pet:Pterrordax][pet:Feathermane]Updraft
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/run UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 1
- TF Code (Only useful for Worgen players)
local TF =CreateFrame("Button","TF",nil,"SecureActionButtonTemplate")
local TF_macro_text =[[
/castsequence reset=combat Two Forms,.
- RW Code (Only useful for Worgen players)
local function RWUpdate(self,event)
local RW_macro_text
if C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player") == 1543 then
RW_macro_text = [[
/use [nomounted]Running Wild]]
RW_macro_text = [[
local RW = CreateFrame("Button","RW",nil,"SecureActionButtonTemplate")
- Paste these snippets into https://addon.bool.no and it can generate an addon for you, allowing you to use these
commands in macros.
- AoE. Includes both Multi-Shot and Carve, as well as Barrage and Stampede on modifiers.
#showtooltip [spec:3]Carve;[mod,spec:2,talent:2/2][mod,talent:6/2]Barrage;[mod,talent:6/3]Stampede;Multi-Shot
/use [@pet,pet,nogroup]Misdirection
/use [spec:3]Carve;[nomod,nochanneling]Multi-Shot;[spec:2,talent:2/2][talent:6/2]Barrage;[talent:6/3]Stampede
- Pets. Call/Revive/Dismiss baked into one button, with conditionals to call specific pets without having to use the flyout pet picker.
/click PetControl
uses the custom code in my addon here (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/PetControl/), which is a one button attack/follow command. Combined, pressing the button while my pet is attacking will Mend Pet and call it to me, pressing while my pet is at my side will Mend Pet and send it to attack, pressing with SHIFT will Mend Pet and keep the pet where it is.
/use [mod:ctrlalt,pet]Dismiss Pet;[mod:ctrlshift]Call Pet 4;[mod:altshift]Call Pet 5;[mod:ctrlalt]Call Pet 2;[@pet,dead][nopet,mod:alt]Revive Pet;[nopet,spec:1]Call Pet 3;[nopet]Call Pet 1;Revive Pet
/tar Mouseover
/click PetControl
- Basic Tranq Shot dispel macro.
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][@focus,harm,nodead][]Tranquilizing Shot
- Traps and Binding Shot. Works well on it’s own, but I’ve recently switched to on-release trapping so I can see the reticle before I drop it for more precise placement without any additional keypresses. See here: (Trap On Release Macro/Addon )
/use [spec:2mod:shiftalt,@player][spec:2mod:shift,@cursor][mod:shiftalt,talent:5/3,@player][mod:shift,talent:5/3,@cursor]Binding Shot;[mod:ctrlalt,@player][mod:ctrl,@cursor]Tar Trap;[mod:alt,@player][@cursor]Freezing Trap
- Mouseover/focus Intimidation and Volley with
. I would have preferred to keep these two abilities completely separate, but I didn’t have enough macro slots.
/use [spec:1/3,@mouseover,harm,nodead][spec:1/3,@focus,harm,nodead][spec:1/3]Intimidation;[mod:alt,talent:7/3,@player][talent:7/3,@cursor]Volley
- Basic Wild Spirits
/use [mod:alt,@player][@cursor]Wild Spirits