Macro for View Distance, Environmental Detail and Ground Clutter

Moving this to a new thread so it has an accurate subject:

I have a macro that toggles View Distance and Environmental Detail (with a separate one for Ground Clutter when I’m searching for things on the ground).

These used to be set 1-10 but now appear to be 0-9, so you would use 2 and 6 instead of 6 & 9 in mine (I toggle between 7 & 10).

Toggle View Distance and Environmental Detail between 7 & 10:

/run local n="6"; local e="graphicsEnvironmentDetail";local v="graphicsViewDistance";if GetCVar(e)==n then SetCVar(e,9);SetCVar(v,9) else SetCVar(e,n);SetCVar(v,n) end;

Toggle Ground Clutter between 1 & 10:

/run local g="graphicsGroundClutter";if GetCVar(g)=="0" then SetCVar(g,9) else SetCVar(g,0) end;

FYI, another change for Dragonflight is that the macro will work, but you won’t see it reflected in the settings unless you /reload. You should still see the FPS improvement immediately. If you want to make sure your new settings are loaded, then /reload.

If you want an FPS monitor that you can keep up on the screen, move and change the color: - it’s helpful when monitoring performance.


This is perfect! Thank you so much!!

I started using this macros. But I noticed I started having problems of my window freezing every time I switch tab.
Could anyone figure why would it happens?

I’m still using those macros without issue.