Hello, I am trying unsuccessfully to create a macro to target the members of my party 1 and 2 within the arena, but since they are not in the arena, they target the closest ally… I managed to make it work halfway… I need help
So the problem I see with this, is that in any type of group content where you’re in a party or raid, it will always go back to the party1 / 2, since party macros aren’t explicitly arena based.
If you don’t mind that aspect, I might be able to get it working in non-party combat.
I think you just have the order wrong.
/target [@party1,exists,nodead]
Target friend will be nullified if you’re in party, because it will be followed by the target party1, and if you aren’t in a party, there will be no party1 to target, so it will only targetfriend.
What they want isn’t actually possible to my knowledge, unless there’s specifically an arena condition. Even arena1 / 2 / 3 still triggers in BGs as enemy party 1 / 2 / 3 essentially.
If he adjusts the party1 targeting to this, it will only be active when pvp talents are usable and he is in a group. So unless he’s grouping in warmode, but really theres only so much you can refine this. /target [@party1, help, nodead, exists, pvpcombat]