Macro for If Skill Exists?

/castsequence reset=Combat/Target Flanking Strike, Raptor Strike

Is my current macro, but is there a way to make Flanking Strike only be called if the skill exists? I don’t always have that rune equipped depending on if killing trash or bosses.

Assuming it works in Classic, [known:spellid] or [known:spell name].

Do you just prefix with that?

I think it works, but doesn’t skip in in a sequence macro sadly just does nothing instead


Found another source on using castsequence with known prefix, this works:

/castsequence [known:Flanking Strike] reset=Combat/Target Flanking Strike, Raptor Strike; reset=Combat/Target Raptor Strike;

You don’t need the rest on the 2nd sequence cuz it’s just 1 ability.

/castsequence [known:Flanking Strike] reset=Combat/Target Flanking Strike, Raptor Strike; Raptor Strike

Thank you for the clarification!