Macro for Casting Windfury Totem and Flameshock on Target

When running into battle, i want to cast my windfury totem down and then immediately cast flameshock (or any damage ability for that matter) on the target. I cant find a macro for this and the commands below arent working. Please advise.

The commands below will just cast my totem but not flame shock on target. I have tried removing stop casting and other combinations :frowning:

/cast [@player] Windfury Totem
/cast [@target] Flame Shock

If Windfury totem is off the GCD then just mash them together. However you want to put the low CD on GCD spell first.

NOTE: using this macro at range may place your WFT out of range once you get to your target and require it to be replaced.

If Windfury totem is on the GCD then you need a cast sequence macro and double mash it.

#show flameshock
/cast flameshock
/cast Windfury Totem

#show Flameshock
/castsequence flameshock, Windfury Totem

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