Macro for berzerker rage

Was thinking of making a macro to attempt to cast berzerker rage automatically any time i got into berzerker stance. Would this be a good idea? thoughts please!

In Theory it would not be a good idea, especially when it comes to getting out of fears, sap or gauge. Personally just keybind zerk stance and just have this as a spell you can click on. You want to be able to use this at anytime you are in zerk stance.

If you want a macro you can just mongo mash to do this for you okay…

/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Berserker Rage

Add that to a macro. Smash it with forehead as needed.

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Wasn’t asking how to make one. Was asking if it would be a good idea. I know I would take more damage, but I figured fear immunity and increased rage production would be something I would always want while in zerk stance. The counter argument would be putting it on cooldown and not being able to cast it when i really need it

Yes, it’s a good idea.

You take more damage for maybe 1-2 hits. You don’t sit in beserker stance bro…

stance dance to fury
pop berserker
stance dance to defensive
get all the rage

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Thank you for that!

Bad idea, imo. It’s a useful tool for controlling rage build-up, and you shouldn’t always need to automatically burn it going into Berserker Stance. It’s also a fear-breaker/immunity, so you don’t want it macro’d in PvP situations, either.

If you haven’t already get 11 points in arms for tactical mastery and anger management. Try this combo when you are about to start a pull and know you are gunna need a lot of rage right off the bat.

Fury stance
Beserker rage
Battle stance
Charge (pull starts now)
While charging swap to defensive

This should gove you 25 rage plus whatever your weapon swing gives, blood rage is ticking away and any hits from beserker rage give you even more rage.