Macro Conditionals with /run

Classic Era macro question. Are macro conditionals usable with /run? I am trying to assign ItemRack Equipment sets to one mouse button, and then use nomod, shift and ctrl to select one of 3 sets. The concept is to equip a gear set heavy in spirit while running to the next mob/pull, and then swap in shadow damage gear before entering combat.

This works:

/run ToggleSet(“Spirit”)

This doesn’t:

/run [nomod] ToggleSet(“Spirit”)
/run [mod:shift] ToggleSet(“Shadow”)

Chat-GPT says it should work. :slight_smile:

MACRO script

Executes Lua code.

/script code
/run code

The Lua code is processed separately from macro text. You cannot use Lua code to do things like insert a condition into your macro.



As Battlecruisr said, you can’t mix conditionals with lua code but as long as you’re not doing anything secure in combat, you could just run the pure lua version

/run if IsShiftKeyDown() then ToggleSet("Shadow") else ToggleSet("Spirit") end

Did you try the /itemrack command? Not sure if it takes conditions but, worst case, you can combine it with Macro-Talk to do what you want.

If it works natty

/itemrack [mod:ctrl] equip CTRLSET; [mod:shift] equip Shadow; equip Spirit

Macro-Talk variant

/opt [mod:ctrl] /itemrack equip CTRLSET; [mod:shift] /itemrack equip Shadow; /itemrack equip Spirit

There’s also SecureCmdOptionParse if you wanna stick with the script route