Macro conditional issue on latest patch (solved)


I’m a returning player from Dragonflight S3 (so not so long ago) and I’m having issues with Macros that were working just fine at least since BFA.

Here’s a example snippet:
/cast [nostance:1,nostance:2,spec:4,mod:shift,@player] lifebloom
/cast [nostance:1,nostance:2,nospec:4,mod:shift,@player] regrowth

This macro would cast lifebloom if I’m in resto spec and I’m not in either bear or cat form, or regrowth if I’m not in resto spec.

If I’m in resto, it would cast lifebloom as intended. However, if I switch to another spec it won’t do anything.
If I change the order like this:
/cast [nostance:1,nostance:2,nospec:4,mod:shift,@player] regrowth
/cast [nostance:1,nostance:2,spec:4,mod:shift,@player] lifebloom

Then the opposite would happen. It would cast regrowth as intended if I’m not in restoration, but it won’t work once I switch.

I have plenty of issues like this throughout all my alts, as I don’t use regular keybinds and instead use BindPad to keybind macros and keep my action bars hidden.

Any ideas what might be happening?

First off, make sure you Self Cast setting is set to Auto (if it’s already Auto, switch it to Auto anyway, just trust me). Second, make sure you don’t have any keybind conflicts with the modified press of the keys. By default SHIFT 1-6 is bound to Action Page 1-6.

As for the macros themselves, need to see the whole thing. For the snippet above, it could really use some optimization.

/cast [mod:shift,spec:4,noform:1/2,@player] Lifebloom; [mod:shift,noform:1/2,@player] Regrowth

Thank you for your feedback!

I’ve tried switching the Self Cast setting, but that didn’t work. I can confirm that Shift or CTRL + the assigned key is unbound.

Here’s the full macro:
/cast [nomod,flying] Surge Forward
/stopmacro [flying]
/cast [nospec:4,nostance:1,nostance:2,mod:shift,@player] regrowth
/cast [spec:4,nostance:1,nostance:2,nomod,help] lifebloom
/cast [nostance:1,nostance:2,nomod,harm] wrath
/cast [spec:4,nostance:1,nostance:2,mod:shift,@player] lifebloom
/cast [nospec:4,nostance:1,nostance:2,nomod,help] regrowth
/cast [nostance:1,nostance:2,mod:ctrl,@focus,harm] wrath
/cast [spec:4,nostance:1,nostance:2,mod:ctrl,@focus,help] lifebloom
/cast [nospec:4,nostance:1,nostance:2,mod:ctrl,@focus,help] regrowth
/cast [stance:4] wrath
/cast [stance:1,noknown:Strength of the Wild] mangle
/cast [stance:1,known:Strength of the Wild] Strength of the Wild
/cast [stance:2,nomod] shred
/cast [stance:2,mod] Ferocious Bite

You’re right that it could use some optimizations, but since I’m not limited to the 255 characters when using BindPad I never really bothered.

I tried switching stance to form, and this fixed it partially. I’m now able to self cast lifebloom or regrowth depending on the spec, but shred it’s not working while on cat form on all specs. Here’s the reworked version:

/cast [flying] Surge Forward //works
/stopmacro [flying]
/cast [noform:1/2,nomod,harm] wrath //works
/cast [nospec:4,noform:1/2,mod:shift,@player] regrowth //works
/cast [spec:4,noform:1/2,mod:shift,@player] lifebloom //works
/cast [nospec:4,noform:1/2,nomod,help] regrowth //works
/cast [spec:4,noform:1/2,nomod,help] lifebloom //this doesn’t work
/cast [noform:1/2,mod:ctrl,@focus,harm] wrath //doesn’t work
/cast [spec:4,noform:1/2,mod:ctrl,@focus,help] lifebloom //this doesn’t work
/cast [nospec:4,noform:1/2,mod:ctrl,@focus,help] regrowth //this doens’t work
/cast [form:1,noknown:Strength of the Wild] mangle //doesn’t work
/cast [form:1,known:Strength of the Wild] Strength of the Wild //not tested
/cast [form:2,nomod] shred //doesn’t work
/cast [form:2,mod] Ferocious Bite //doesn’t work

Ok, so with 11.0 all macros are limited to 255 chars, regardless of whether they’re made using an addon or the game’s interface. Anything past the limit gets automatically truncated.

This is as tight as I can make it (without bothering to remove whitespace, cuz there’s no point) 346 chars.

/cast [nomod,flying] Surge Forward
/stopmacro [flying]
/cast [form:1,known:236716] Strength of the Wild; [form:1] Mangle; [form:2,mod] Ferocious Bite; [form:2] Shred; [mod:ctrl,@focus,harm] Wrath; [mod:ctrl,spec:4,@focus,help] [mod:shift,spec:4,@player] [spec:4,help] Lifebloom; [mod:ctrl,@focus,help] [mod:shift,@player] [help] Regrowth; Wrath
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Yes, I was starting to suspect that may be the case as I’ve used a character counter and every macro started to fail around the 255 limit.

I’ll just create different profiles for each spec and different macros for key modifiers such as shift or control.

Thank you for all your help!