So, I have this macro that I use to switch between specs. It’s convenient. I can press a button instead of opening up the window and–well, right. You guys know what convenience is.
You guys party.
Anyway, I’ve been using it for years. But earlier today, when I tried? Nothing happened. Does anyone know if the command has changed? This is what I have.
/run SetSpecialization(GetSpecialization()==2 and 3 or 2)
This is for my monk, who only does DPS or Healing. Mistweaver is 2, Windwalker is 3.
This was fine for years. But now, when I click the button? I am greeted with the most disrespectful, defiant silence I have ever not heard.
I would appreciate if someone could let me know if something has changed, and especially if they could provide me with a working one?
Thank you.
Seems like you have to add “C_SpecializationInfo.” to SetSpecialization now. Try:
/run C_SpecializationInfo.SetSpecialization(GetSpecialization()==2 and 3 or 2)
You no-good so-and-so, that worked! Thanks!
I’m assuming that’s a new change with the patch. I appreciate the people (like you) who actually know how to look at this coding sorcery and figure things like this out.
As per policy, I did have to call you a so-and-so, as I am an elf. There’s just a proper way of doing things, good Forsaken chum.
Seriously, thanks. I have a bunch of alts, and I had taken for granted how much of a QoL issue it was for me to be able to change specs without having to open up the talents tab, then clicking over to specializations, then choosing it.
Thank you again!
Would you also happen to know a simpler slash command just to change to one spec? My G15 decided to lose my keyboard profile and I’m having to rebuild all my macro keys.
Like, button A is for spec 1, button B for spec 2, button C for spec 3.
I know on my druid, I have Balance set up like this:
/run C_SpecializationInfo.SetSpecialization(1)
1 is Balance, 2 is Feral, etc.
Makes it easier for me when I have all those specs.
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Thank you! Pretty sure I had something less complicated to type into the keyboard interface, but those appear to work just as expected.
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