Hi I need some help here, my Mac is having an issue where when I hit Shift and additional key such as 4 or 5 or 6 where I have keyboard abilities it is no longer recognizing the input. It’s not recognizing shift as a key bind option. In the past it worked well and the forums on here said to put the following input into the Mac Terminal : 1. defaults write com.blizzard.worldofwarcraft disable-expose-fix -bool YES

I did this awhile back and it has worked ever since, but it looks like something happened recently where this is NO LONGER WORKING. I need help here because I cannot play this game without a shift key bind. Please help me! and yes ive tried to put that input into the terminal again, it’s still not working!! HELP ME!!


I am experiencing the same thing since the 11.0 update.


Man I hope someone comes out of the wood work here with a solution or I prob will literally unsubscribe and stop playing, I can’t play without the shift button


Yeah this is really making game play not fun at all. Especially since I am so used to using the shift modifier.


I’ve been having the same issue since patch 11.0 went live. I tried running that command in my terminal too. No luck.


I’m posting this in every related thread, but I’ve found a workaround. It does involve installing software, but it’s well-known, free, and very simple. You just download karabinder elements, and remap the mouse keys to keyboard number keys.

Once you install it and give it the permissions it asks for, click on “simple modifications”, your Razer Naga (or wtv mouse you have), and then bind number keys to number keys. It should look like this in the end: “imgur dot com /a/gRKbmmj” (sorry, can’t post links)

What this does, is makes WoW think that when you’re pressing the mouse buttons, you’re actually pressing the keyboard buttons, which work fine with modifier keys.


You are TRULY the real MVP. Blizz should give you some game time along with the rest of us but you an extra month!

Wait I dont understand what am I supposed to do with this, put it in Mac terminal?

my naga mouse is already bound to keyboard buttons. i primarily have it bound to buttons on the right hand side of the keyboard:

, . j k l ; ’ i o p [ ]

modifier keys still do not work.

That’s a url. Like if you want to google something, you type in google dot com into the url bar. Idk if it’s a new account restriction, but I can’t post links on the forum.

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Here’s an annotated image to clear up any confusion: imgur .com/a/FE7Oqxl You do not need to press any mouse buttons in karabiner, you literally just map the number “1” to the number “1”, and repeat for each number. It looks silly, since you’re mapping the number 1 to the number 1, but it actually makes WoW understand that your mouse button 1 is the same as the keyboard number 1.

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I assume you mean you mapped those using Razer synapse and set it to the default profile? It should work if you map each button to the keyboard buttons using Karabiner.


You are the best :heart:

I don’t suppose you know how to make the RBG on a razor naga pro v2 12button a static color, do you?

MacOS, key bindings not working confirmed with 11.0.


that is correct. i’d rather not have to use another 3rd party program to make something work that has worked for years without it.


Yeah it’s not going to work without a third party program for now unfortunately :frowning: . Perhaps if razer synapse worked on Mac OS it would be a suitable alternative, but for right now it’s a no-go by itself.


Not sure, but if you have windows, download synapse (or whatever the RGB program is called) and see if you can set the device default profile to be the color of your choice, so it’ll use that on MacOS too.

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i dont think synapse actually monitors the inputs, just allows you to program the buttons. i could be very mistaken though lol. i’m sure blizz will get it to work eventually because this is a really strange bug. i had no issue during beta until recent builds, so something has changed.

I see and thank you but my 1-9 / 0 are working, its just when I want to Shift 4, for instance I bind Shift 1-9 as well as additional key inputs, but that shift modifier isn’t working.

I just want to say the issue is being looked into. It appears keybindings work for some people but not for others and I don’t understand why yet.

Could people with issues mention what mouse brand/model they’re using and what keyboard layout (like enUS etc) they’re using?