Mac M1 9.2.7 No Audio

I have never had an issue with audio on my M1 Mac but after patch 9.2.7 i am unable to get it to work. Did something change with wow?

Of course audio works on other games, youtube, etc…

The sound is not working on my M1 Mac mini either. It works on other apps. The sound on my Windows 11 machine is working.

bump for traction.

I just double checked sound is working for me in 9.2.7 on an M1 MBP. It’s not immediately clear to me why you guys are having issues yet.

Would you be able to paste your /Volumes/Applications/World of Warcraft/_retail_/WTF/ file here?

It might be worth trying run of the mill troubleshooting like trying deleting/renaming the config file, trying with no addons, rebooting the computer, reinstalling the game etc?

I’ll keep trying stuff on my end.

bumping the bump.

SET portal β€œUS”
SET textLocale β€œenUS”
SET audioLocale β€œenUS”
SET agentUID β€œwow”
SET graphicsQuality β€œ10”
SET RAIDgraphicsQuality β€œ7”
SET hwDetect β€œ0”
SET gxApi β€œMTL”
SET gxMaximize β€œ1”
SET videoOptionsVersion β€œ28”
SET farclip β€œ10000”
SET horizonClip β€œ10000”
SET horizonStart β€œ4000”
SET waterDetail β€œ3”
SET sunShafts β€œ2”
SET refraction β€œ2”
SET groundEffectDensity β€œ256”
SET groundEffectDist β€œ320”
SET projectedTextures β€œ1”
SET shadowMode β€œ4”
SET shadowTextureSize β€œ2048”
SET SSAO β€œ4”
SET terrainLodDist β€œ650”
SET wmoLodDist β€œ400”
SET OutlineEngineMode β€œ2”
SET lodObjectCullSize β€œ14”
SET RAIDfarclip β€œ7000”
SET RAIDWaterDetail β€œ2”
SET RAIDgroundEffectDensity β€œ80”
SET RAIDgroundEffectDist β€œ200”
SET RAIDshadowMode β€œ3”
SET RAIDterrainLodDist β€œ500”
SET RAIDTerrainLodDiv β€œ512”
SET RAIDwmoLodDist β€œ400”
SET RAIDhorizonStart β€œ1900”
SET RAIDhorizonClip β€œ7000”
SET RAIDentityShadowFadeScale β€œ25”
SET RAIDprojectedTextures β€œ1”
SET RAIDshadowTextureSize β€œ2048”
SET RAIDreflectionMode β€œ0”
SET RAIDrippleDetail β€œ1”
SET RAIDsunShafts β€œ2”
SET RAIDparticleDensity β€œ80”
SET RAIDrefraction β€œ2”
SET RAIDOutlineEngineMode β€œ2”
SET RAIDlodObjectCullSize β€œ18”
SET RAIDlodObjectMinSize β€œ0”
SET weatherDensity β€œ3”
SET RAIDweatherDensity β€œ3”
SET graphicsTextureResolution β€œ3”
SET graphicsSpellDensity β€œ6”
SET graphicsEnvironmentDetail β€œ10”
SET graphicsGroundClutter β€œ10”
SET graphicsShadowQuality β€œ6”
SET graphicsParticleDensity β€œ6”
SET graphicsSSAO β€œ5”
SET graphicsComputeEffects β€œ5”
SET raidGraphicsTextureResolution β€œ3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsSpellDensity β€œ5.000000”
SET raidGraphicsProjectedTextures β€œ2.000000”
SET raidGraphicsViewDistance β€œ7”
SET raidGraphicsEnvironmentDetail β€œ7”
SET raidGraphicsGroundClutter β€œ7”
SET raidGraphicsShadowQuality β€œ4.000000”
SET raidGraphicsLiquidDetail β€œ3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsParticleDensity β€œ5.000000”
SET raidGraphicsSSAO β€œ4.000000”
SET raidGraphicsDepthEffects β€œ4.000000”
SET raidGraphicsComputeEffects β€œ4.000000”
SET raidGraphicsOutlineMode β€œ3.000000”
SET playIntroMovie β€œ9”
SET expandUpgradePanel β€œ0”
SET Sound_MusicVolume β€œ0.40000000596046”
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume β€œ0.60000002384186”
SET KioskCanSessionExpire β€œ1”
SET KioskLobbyKickSeconds β€œ30”
SET KioskCharacterTemplateSet β€œ0”
SET useIPv6 β€œ1”
SET maxFPSBk β€œ8”
SET volumeFogLevel β€œ3”
SET spellClutter β€œ0”
SET shadowSoft β€œ1”
SET doodadLodScale β€œ150”
SET lodObjectFadeScale β€œ150”
SET graphicsViewDistance β€œ10”
SET engineSurvey β€œ8”
SET engineSurveyPatch β€œ90207”
SET mouseSpeed β€œ0.80000001192093”
SET lastCharacterIndex β€œ4”
SET Sound_ZoneMusicNoDelay β€œ1”
SET gameTip β€œ93”
SET VoiceChatMasterVolumeScale β€œ0.000000”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestV2RecordCount β€œ47239”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestV2HotfixCount β€œ0”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveRecordCount β€œ47961”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveHotfixCount β€œ0”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveXEffectRecordCount β€œ19564”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveXEffectHotfixCount β€œ0”
SET CACHE-WGOB-GameObjectsRecordCount β€œ96019”
SET CACHE-WGOB-GameObjectsHotfixCount β€œ0”
SET lastAddonVersion β€œ90207”
SET maxFPS β€œ60”
SET Sound_OutputDriverName β€œSystem Default”
SET checkAddonVersion β€œ0”
SET autoDismountFlying β€œ1”
SET lootUnderMouse β€œ0”
SET autoOpenLootHistory β€œ1”
SET showTargetOfTarget β€œ1”
SET spellActivationOverlayOpacity β€œ1”
SET scriptErrors β€œ1”
SET watchFrameBaseAlpha β€œ1”
SET flaggedTutorials β€œv11##_##$##S##+##,##[##6##T##5##)##(##Y##<##:##?##@##G##3##4##=##K##9##I##D##J##V##;##]##O##^##A##B##>##C##%##E##8##0##F##L##H”
SET actionedAdventureJournalEntries β€œv”
SET trackQuestSorting β€œproximity”
SET profanityFilter β€œ0”
SET chatStyle β€œclassic”
SET findYourselfMode β€œ1”
SET alwaysShowActionBars β€œ1”
SET UnitNamePlayerGuild β€œ0”
SET UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle β€œ0”
SET UnitNameEnemyPetName β€œ0”
SET UnitNameEnemyGuardianName β€œ0”
SET UnitNameEnemyTotemName β€œ0”
SET UnitNameEnemyMinionName β€œ0”
SET UnitNameFriendlyPetName β€œ0”
SET UnitNameFriendlyGuardianName β€œ0”
SET UnitNameFriendlyTotemName β€œ0”
SET UnitNameFriendlyMinionName β€œ0”
SET UnitNameFriendlySpecialNPCName β€œ0”
SET statusTextDisplay β€œBOTH”
SET showToastFriendRequest β€œ0”
SET cameraPitchMoveSpeed β€œ110”
SET cameraYawMoveSpeed β€œ220”
SET cameraView β€œ5”
SET showTutorials β€œ0”
SET showNPETutorials β€œ0”
SET talentFrameShown β€œ1”
SET auctionDisplayOnCharacter β€œ1”
SET addFriendInfoShown β€œ1”
SET pendingInviteInfoShown β€œ1”
SET timeMgrUseLocalTime β€œ1”
SET timeMgrAlarmTime β€œ1295”
SET closedInfoFramesAccountWide β€œC”
SET petJournalSort β€œ2”
SET advJournalLastOpened β€œ1660773151”
SET AllowDangerousScripts β€œ1”
SET auctionHouseDurationDropdown β€œ3”
SET heirloomCollectedFilters β€œβ€
SET alwaysCompareItems β€œ1”
SET UnitNameFriendlyPlayerName β€œ0”
SET Outline β€œ3”
SET petJournalTab β€œ5”

Before 9.2.7 sound was never an issue in game. I also tried all the steps Jambrix and Rommax mentioned and nothing changed. My sound in other games, youtube, etc… were all working - it was just wow that did not.

This is the weirdest thing but i just installed mac os 12.5.1 and my WOW sound returned.

I use a Mac Studio with the M1 Max chip. I was on 12.5.0 when the issue was happening. I have my mac connected to a 85inch Sony 4k tv via HDMI and audio coming out of a samsung 11.1.4 channel soundbar.


The macOS 12.5.1 update fixing it is very interesting. What macOS versions are other people with this issue on. If you’re on 12.5.0, does 12.5.1 help? What kind of sound hardware setups are involved? (as in is everyone using HDMI sound output or are other people have issues with things like builtin speakers, 3.5mm headphones, USB headphones etc)

Same setup as Lucen. 12.5.0 Mac Studio Max. Upgrading to 12.5.1 also resolved my problem. I connect via bluetooth to my soundbar.

12.5.1 fixed it for me too. I have speakers plugged into the headphone port of my Mac Mini.

Well, after a restart of the computer I am back to no in game sound. I don’t have time to look at the issue now but will later tonight. It is very strange that it worked right after the patch then quit after the reboot.

Same… it worked after applying 12.5.1 until restart

not a mac user here but in game sound options are disabled or turned down low? see if this works – in the sound settings try the β€œreset these setting” then test after a reboot of the computer…

I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, still no sound.

I went to play D3. No sound there either. I can play movies, YouTube videos and non Blizzard games with sound. What is going on here?

So updating to 12.5.1 fixes the problem until you reboot, then it stops working again. Here is what my sound log says. Any help is appreciated.

8/20 10:46:08.706 - SE3 Init…
8/20 10:46:08.706 => SI3 Init
8/20 10:46:08.706 => WoW Version 9.2.7 (45114) Aug 13 2022
8/20 10:46:08.706
8/20 10:46:08.706 => User Settings Report:
8/20 10:46:08.706 - ========= PLAYBACK =========
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Enable All Sound [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Enable SFX [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 β€” Enable Emote Sounds [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Enable Music [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 β€” Loop Music [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 β€” Pet Battle Music [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Enable Ambient Sounds [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Enable Dialog [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 β€” Enable Error Speech [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Sound at Character [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Sound in Background [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Enable Reverb [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 -
8/20 10:46:08.706 - ========== VOLUME ==========
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Master Volume [1.00]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - SFX Volume [1.00]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Music Volume [0.40]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Ambience Volume [0.60]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Dialog Volume [1.00]
8/20 10:46:08.706 -
8/20 10:46:08.706 - =========== MISC ===========
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Sound Channels [64]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Sound Cache [128MB]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Mix Mode 2 [0]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - DSP Buffer Size [AUTO]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Armor Foley SFX (Self) [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Armor Foley SFX (Others) [1]
8/20 10:46:08.706 => End of User Settings Report
8/20 10:46:08.706
8/20 10:46:08.706 - FMOD Memory Init
8/20 10:46:08.706 - FMOD System Create
8/20 10:46:08.706 - Setting Output Type
8/20 10:46:08.918 - 0 Output drivers detected
8/20 10:46:08.918 - SE3 Init Failed.
8/20 10:46:08.918 - ################################################################################################
8/20 10:46:08.918 - #### Failed to init with user settings. Attempting to init using the most compatible settings…
8/20 10:46:08.918 - ################################################################################################
8/20 10:46:08.918 - FMOD Memory Init
8/20 10:46:08.918 - FMOD System Create
8/20 10:46:08.918 - Setting Output Type
8/20 10:46:08.919 - 0 Output drivers detected
8/20 10:46:08.919 - ##############################
8/20 10:46:08.919 - ### Sound System: SILENT MODE
8/20 10:46:08.919 - ##############################
8/20 10:46:08.919 - Setting device callback
8/20 10:46:08.919 - Sound Bus Init
8/20 10:46:08.919 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:08.919 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 67
8/20 10:46:08.919 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:08.919 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 78
8/20 10:46:08.919 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:08.919 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 31
8/20 10:46:08.919 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:08.919 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 2
8/20 10:46:08.919 - Init Suppressors
8/20 10:46:27.815
8/20 10:46:27.815 => Shutting Down SI3
8/20 10:46:27.815 => Shutting Down SI3 COMPLETE.
8/20 10:46:27.815
8/20 10:46:27.815 - Shutting Down SE3
8/20 10:46:27.815 - Shutting Down SE3 COMPLETE.
8/20 10:46:28.017 - SE3 Init…
8/20 10:46:28.017 => SI3 Init
8/20 10:46:28.017 => WoW Version 9.2.7 (45114) Aug 13 2022
8/20 10:46:28.017
8/20 10:46:28.017 => User Settings Report:
8/20 10:46:28.017 - ========= PLAYBACK =========
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Enable All Sound [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Enable SFX [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 β€” Enable Emote Sounds [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Enable Music [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 β€” Loop Music [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 β€” Pet Battle Music [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Enable Ambient Sounds [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Enable Dialog [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 β€” Enable Error Speech [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Sound at Character [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Sound in Background [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Enable Reverb [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 -
8/20 10:46:28.017 - ========== VOLUME ==========
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Master Volume [1.00]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - SFX Volume [1.00]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Music Volume [0.40]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Ambience Volume [0.60]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Dialog Volume [1.00]
8/20 10:46:28.017 -
8/20 10:46:28.017 - =========== MISC ===========
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Sound Channels [64]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Sound Cache [128MB]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Mix Mode 2 [0]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - DSP Buffer Size [AUTO]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Armor Foley SFX (Self) [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Armor Foley SFX (Others) [1]
8/20 10:46:28.017 => End of User Settings Report
8/20 10:46:28.017
8/20 10:46:28.017 - FMOD Memory Init
8/20 10:46:28.017 - FMOD System Create
8/20 10:46:28.017 - Setting Output Type
8/20 10:46:28.021 - 0 Output drivers detected
8/20 10:46:28.021 - SE3 Init Failed.
8/20 10:46:28.021 - ################################################################################################
8/20 10:46:28.021 - #### Failed to init with user settings. Attempting to init using the most compatible settings…
8/20 10:46:28.021 - ################################################################################################
8/20 10:46:28.021 - FMOD Memory Init
8/20 10:46:28.021 - FMOD System Create
8/20 10:46:28.021 - Setting Output Type
8/20 10:46:28.023 - 0 Output drivers detected
8/20 10:46:28.023 - ##############################
8/20 10:46:28.023 - ### Sound System: SILENT MODE
8/20 10:46:28.023 - ##############################
8/20 10:46:28.023 - Setting device callback
8/20 10:46:28.023 - Sound Bus Init
8/20 10:46:28.023 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:28.023 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 67
8/20 10:46:28.023 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:28.023 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 78
8/20 10:46:28.023 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:28.023 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 31
8/20 10:46:28.023 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:28.023 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 2
8/20 10:46:28.023 - Init Suppressors
8/20 10:46:29.178
8/20 10:46:29.178 => Shutting Down SI3
8/20 10:46:29.178 => Shutting Down SI3 COMPLETE.
8/20 10:46:29.178
8/20 10:46:29.178 - Shutting Down SE3
8/20 10:46:29.178 - Shutting Down SE3 COMPLETE.
8/20 10:46:29.380 - SE3 Init…
8/20 10:46:29.380 => SI3 Init
8/20 10:46:29.380 => WoW Version 9.2.7 (45114) Aug 13 2022
8/20 10:46:29.380
8/20 10:46:29.380 => User Settings Report:
8/20 10:46:29.380 - ========= PLAYBACK =========
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Enable All Sound [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Enable SFX [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 β€” Enable Emote Sounds [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Enable Music [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 β€” Loop Music [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 β€” Pet Battle Music [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Enable Ambient Sounds [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Enable Dialog [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 β€” Enable Error Speech [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Sound at Character [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Sound in Background [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Enable Reverb [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 -
8/20 10:46:29.380 - ========== VOLUME ==========
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Master Volume [1.00]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - SFX Volume [1.00]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Music Volume [0.40]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Ambience Volume [0.60]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Dialog Volume [1.00]
8/20 10:46:29.380 -
8/20 10:46:29.380 - =========== MISC ===========
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Sound Channels [64]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Sound Cache [128MB]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Mix Mode 2 [0]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - DSP Buffer Size [AUTO]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Armor Foley SFX (Self) [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Armor Foley SFX (Others) [1]
8/20 10:46:29.380 => End of User Settings Report
8/20 10:46:29.380
8/20 10:46:29.380 - FMOD Memory Init
8/20 10:46:29.380 - FMOD System Create
8/20 10:46:29.380 - Setting Output Type
8/20 10:46:29.385 - 0 Output drivers detected
8/20 10:46:29.385 - SE3 Init Failed.
8/20 10:46:29.385 - ################################################################################################
8/20 10:46:29.385 - #### Failed to init with user settings. Attempting to init using the most compatible settings…
8/20 10:46:29.385 - ################################################################################################
8/20 10:46:29.385 - FMOD Memory Init
8/20 10:46:29.385 - FMOD System Create
8/20 10:46:29.385 - Setting Output Type
8/20 10:46:29.388 - 0 Output drivers detected
8/20 10:46:29.388 - ##############################
8/20 10:46:29.388 - ### Sound System: SILENT MODE
8/20 10:46:29.388 - ##############################
8/20 10:46:29.388 - Setting device callback
8/20 10:46:29.388 - Sound Bus Init
8/20 10:46:29.388 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:29.388 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 67
8/20 10:46:29.388 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:29.388 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 78
8/20 10:46:29.388 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:29.388 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 31
8/20 10:46:29.388 -######## FMOD ERROR! (err 16) DSP connection error. Couldn’t find the DSP unit specified. (/opt/BuildServer/Engine/work/branches/wow-patch-9_2_7-branch-fastpatch-1/Engine/Source/SoundEngine/SE3Bus.cpp: 298)
8/20 10:46:29.388 - Failed to create Simple Highpass DSP for bus 2
8/20 10:46:29.388 - Init Suppressors
8/20 10:46:44.924
8/20 10:46:44.924 => Shutting Down SI3
8/20 10:46:44.948 => Shutting Down SI3 COMPLETE.
8/20 10:46:44.948
8/20 10:46:44.948 - Shutting Down SE3
8/20 10:46:44.948 - Shutting Down SE3 COMPLETE.

I am running macOS 12.5.1 and sound stopped after last week’s (8/16) patch. I got it to work briefly the next day, when I toggled between β€œNo Sound Driver” and β€œSystem Default” in sound settings, but then when you pushed another hot fix the next day, sound stopped again. I still don’t have any sound for WoW on my Mac, which makes it essentially unusable to play.

I have tried every permutation of settings you can imagine, including unplugging/plugging headphones, etc. No sound.

Same problem, im on a imac m1 running 12.5.1 the sound will work when game starts then suddenly will stop and wont come back until I exit wow and restart the game. has made the game unplayable, sound quits mid raids 3 or 4 times an hour

if you have bluetooth try and see if the sound in the game plays when you connect a bluetooth device …

                      <--- disclaimer --->
                   this may or not work

Same thing happened to me. Sound stopped working on M1 Mac mini while running macOS 12.5 then returned after updating to 12.5.1 then stopped again after restarting my computer. Re-installing the game did not fix the issue. Kind of unplayable right now. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

I seem to have found a workaround.

I just posted above that the same thing happened to me with the latest WoW patch. I was running macOS 12.5.0 on a Mac mini M1. After upgrading to 12.5.1, the problem was resolved until I restarted my computer. Then the audio no longer worked again.

Today, I found that by connecting AirPods then selecting β€œNoSound Driver” under Game Sound Output in the Interface>System>Sound menu, all of the audio output devices were repopulated (computer speakers, monitor speakers, other bluetooth speakers, etc.). I tested all of them and was able to successfully swap between working audio outputs. That is, until I took out my AirPods. At that point, the audio output options disappeared, and I was back to square one with no audio and only β€œSystem Default” and β€œNoSound Driver” options under the Game Sound Output drop down menu.

If you have AirPods, then I hope this workaround will help. If not, I’m not sure what else to try until Blizzard patches this bug.