M3max MacBook Pro (14, 14CPU/30CPU variation.)

What’s weird is it doesn’t happen generally, almost never and my temps don’t go really above 65celsius much now that I enabled low power mode.

Anyway, will keep investigating it.

Happened again today, where the fans came on in a LFR group after about 7 minutes of it (smolderon fight.) my fps dropped down to like 8 average temps with the fans on were like 48 celsius.

Any idea how to fix or avoid that happening or is it just wow itself as I guess that fight has a lot of graphics and flames and stuff.

Just want some tips :slight_smile:
Thank you

you need 3rd party software to control fan curve, apples is bad. it overheated and throttled to cool off. 100%, probably the cpu considering places it’s happening.in raid. in valdraken. so even if you are monitoring gpu temp you probably aren’t seeing cpu temp spike.
Mac Fans Control is what i use. for M3 support though you have to use their beta (from github) til official release

Actually, it never seem to to get that hot lol. Oh well I tried it on other bosses and it was perfect, frame rate drops occasionally but no issues.

I read that boss is a bad one for frame rates for even windows monsters.

Can I try that program out or do you have to buy it and what settings are you using?

Edit - Seems like with your program even loaded on auto mode, I hear the fans come on earlier, but so far keeping it overall cooler?

Edit 2 - Happened again, this in vald, but it’s weird, it’s not heat, it’s other processes; I noticed a website in safari was above warcraft in CPU usage. I killed it and everything went back to normal. I wasn’t even using safari or that tab at that point. Weird.

Edit 3 - This time it happened again today, just sitting in valdrakken suddenly wow at 300% and I guess I throttled? the temps didn’t go up that high and my fans went on a bit. Just confusing as to why it’s happening.

Edit 4 - Changed from auto to a set speed, I thought you needed pro version for that, you do not. And put it around 3500-4000 and ran that smolderon boss, it handled it like a champ no issues kept at least a very nice playable FPS and there was no major issues. Will keep testing.

Edit 5 - Wow, manually allowing fan to come on at about 3.5-4k is amazing, nothing ever throttles. So far so good. Thanks for this tip. If I buy it I can set it to automatically do things when say start wow, etc?

I updated my post and wanted to thank you again for the help; seems better now with Mac Fans control. Check out my question for it on my edited post :slight_smile:

I set mine to CPU cooling based on temp, with lower threshold as 45 and upper as 80 and it results in a nice and cool yet still quiet most of the time operation. it generally stays around 70C in wow with fans around 3000 with this curve

btw the way apple throttles cpu, they set fake cpu load, basically set it to “busy” and as such unavailable so it’s not tasked by any software, and cools due to being idle for a few moments. what it appears as is a massive cpu spike out of no where.

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Can’t lie 0 issues since I installed Mac Fans Control, and now I set it to 45 65 or something and it is perfect so far, no throttling the thing runs cool and as you said, you don’t hear the fans but I guess it doesn’t wait for something to hammer the CPU.

Cross your fingers. Why isn’t this baked into MacOS? Seems silly I suppose it might only happen in poorly programmed games like wow but still lol.

oh no. you can trigger throttling with apple software too. or even installing/updating software, it’s just less noticed by user cause you won’t notice proress bar updating app from app store slowed down when you aren’t just staring at it. apple really did just prioritize “silent” over all else, over performance, over anything.

The only area now that seems to have regularly lower FPS is Arathi Basin, seems to go down sometimes to 40ish which is OK, but just doesn’t add up since I am usually almost always at my locked 90 with slight fluctuations.

Oh well will figure it out :slight_smile:

arathi has a lot of water in it. is water on fair? if it’s on good or higher it’ll take fps especially near large bodies of water. it’s just the way screen space reflections are coded in wow it’s inefficient on even dedicated gpus but on tile based ones it outright tanks fps hard.

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So weird, within moments of me suggesting Mac Fans Control on reddit, I get “roasted” by folks who probably don’t have my issues to stop recommending it since it “probably doesn’t work” on Silicon.

They said it would do nothing, but it really does lol.

Mmm…the reddit cesspool. Got a link? I could use a good laugh. :slight_smile:

Sure from my comment onward:

People on there also tell users 8GB of memory is enough and macbook airs don’t overheat (news flash, they do, heavily)

if you are using M3 you have to use a beta version of mac fans control atm and due to new apple restrictions software cannot control the on/off state of fans anymore, only speed of them, however that’s fine for most part since apple willturn fan on around 70C, after that THEN the fan software will kick in with custom speeds. on M2 and M1 it CAN also control when fans turn on too.

Well I guess I downloaded the right version since they are progressively on based on whatever I set the sensor and it works amazing :slight_smile:

OMG Apple purposely blocked the ability to prevent your machine from cooking itself until it’s almost too late? I mean what justification do they have for this? So people somehow don’t realize there’s a way to fix things and instead assume the software doesn’t work because the machine gets hot no matter what (at least until the fans finally turn on)? It feels like Apple is purposely trying to make these machines last as little as possible so we just keep buying them up over and over again.