M0's are still dead

List group, nobody signing up

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My guess geared people are doing higher keys, and other people dont have the gear for 0s


Are you a single DPS making a group? Are you letting your queue get pushed far down on the list?

Was running last night and took seconds to fill up as a healer/tank combo.


It’s cause the season is boring, I went back to zeroth morris to farm motes after 1 hour of logging in.


Looked just now, there were a number of 0’s on the Premade, along with a fair few 2’s. Give it a bit of time for people to fill out those gear gaps.


The weekly lockout really prevents running Mythic dungeons from being lucrative; it’s usually easier to spam specific dungeons with a level 2 key to target certain items than it is to run each of the eight dungeons then be locked out until the next Tuesday.


True, though M0 is really good if you can get a friend or two so you can armor stack. Get a full set in a week doing 8 runs.

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M0 is so badly tuned right now you aren’t missing much. By time you can run it your gear will, be good enough for M+ and heroic gear requires stupid amounts of shards to upgrade. Likely worst tuning I’ve seen in game


Or people who would have been interested already did them. Maybe they should consider relaxing on the weekly lockout.


They should just be on LFG.
Still very easy, the only change is that enemies are HP sponges now.


Think it’s because I can’t edit title and everyone searches “m0” for a title X.x

I did 5/8 by signing up for others groups, I mean they weren’t TOO bad. Some bosses yes, Brackenhide Hollow last boss holy moly it was rough. My groups had all players between 470-480ilvl

did the m0 world tour last night and they all felt fine for the most part

What’s an acceptable ilvl to enter M0s anyway? My healer has around 460 ilvl but M0s drop 493 gear. I’m paranoid I won’t have the raw stats to deal with it.

I did all 8 m0s at like 465 on my hunter.

It’s also starting to get warmer outside. I’m basically taking the spring / summer off to “touch grass”, as certain forum posters would phrase it.


Must just be you. I see zeroes filling up in no time flat

You should be fine, but you might want to make sure the rest of the group is ok with going a bit slower so you can learn and adjust without the pressure of a timer.

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But but but… I thought people wanted DIFFICULT chALLenGing content?

Are you telling me that the ppl who play WoW for 24/7, or ppl with 50 000 tweets about WoW on Twitter, or reDDItors with a 5000 r/wow posts… or WoW forum posters with 20k posts… were… wrong? About what the average WoW gamer actually wants?

Ppl who think its a good idea that Mythic is cleared by less than 1 % of the population. You telling me these ppl are out of touch with reality?


8 dungeons +1 mega dungeon, I don’t know, seems like a weekly lockout is fine especially when you can run +2 which aren’t any harder.

The season is…really bad. Full cleared normal already. Will most likely full clear heroic with guild this week as well. Not many people want to do Mythic+ on day 2 of week 1 of the season strangely enough. Looks like it’s a panda time running angle.