M+ Tuning Thoughts

Hi. I came to post this. This is killing my attempts at high AAs. You have to get a lucky variation of mana bomb targets to be able to survive and rotate defensives for them. Even if you desync them from the fissure. People still die too easily. I think it’s overtuned and its damage should be nerfed by at least 20%.

RLP is still junk but that is just the nature of that dungeon. Next season it will be Hollow that will be the worse one. AV could use a little more time but not truely needed. We have had tight timers before. Everything else is fine. Some are more difficult than others but it should be that way.

Blizzard need to get here god damn sh*t together and properly balance these problematic dungeons. So much overtuned crap they need to nerf.

that’s right. buff SBG and CoS

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Blizzard won’t buff dungeons, if anything they’d nerf the other 6 some more.

AV and AA could use another minute or two imo. AV also needs to have better checkpoints, run back time if you wipe is pretty steep.

AA timer is definitely tight. AV is fine, dungeons are not supposed to be timed holding W at higher keys level.

AV is statistically the lowest timed key/highest failure rate. AV would be the first key to add additional time to in my book and it’s definitely not fine.

It has some of the highest downtime on all bosses across all dungeons. You have to pull aggressively to even time 20s. There are massively spread out trash pulls and requires lots of stops and interrupts when pulling aggressively.

AV is absolutely the biggest outlier when it comes to the timer.

I think it would be nice QOL that “patch-up” would also refresh battleres charges.

Keep up the great suggestions.

You literally hold W to time 20. What are you talking about?

The only problem with AV is second boss. The intermission is stupid, takes forever.

Specifically AV if that wasn’t clear. Your average PUG group is going to be cutting it very close timing a 20 just by holding w on multiple affix combos.

It’s not necessarily the holding W that’s the problem. It’s the mentality of “Pull a pack, stand still, kill it, move on” where the fact the dungeon is structurally enormous means the running time between pulls really eats away at your clock.

You could easily do the “old school” style of pulling through the instance if the mobs weren’t so insanely far apart.

dungeons are not designed for yolo groups. there is always scaling level when pugs start to struggle. that’s good design

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there are just 1-2 single pack pulls in that dungeon. almost everything can be double/triple pulled

Yes I know that. My point is that the sheer distance needed to travel between the packs is often a deterrent for doing so, and the fact these groups are opting not to dps on the move is more of an issue than not multi pulling.

Players do multi pack pulls all the time in other keys, even if they may not be “High M+ route” multi pulls, they’ll still grab a pack or two at once.

AV they don’t, because it doesn’t cross their mind because of just how far apart everything is.

Despite all that though, it’s the key that requires multi pack pulls earliest, probably on average by 1-2 key levels, and players who aren’t used to having to play like that at the key level they play at feel that difference.

The only dungeons I really have issues with are AA and AV. The timers feel way too tight. Every other dungeon has leeway usually a 3-5 minute buffer at the end. Couple bosses here or there slap alittle too hard, but they’re still do-able.

You’re completely missing the point.

AV is brutal. It’s the worst one I think. If the group manages to kill the 2nd boss with minimal deaths and no wipe, it’s still tough to time if you have a lollygagging tank who just moves pack to pack.

I finally got an 18 timed with a warrior who both combined packs on the move and then did the frog skip. I am a fan of the frog skip too. So many pugs I’m in take ages to kill the frog area because you got players all spread out doing their thing while frogs and mobs bounce all around the room/stairs. If we must do frogs, then please, please, stand with the tank and keep your back to a wall to keep the mob movement to a minimum.

I’m not gonna comment on anything specific other than to say that, with raid gearing being so much better, more casual pugging is WAAAY behind WAAYYY more unpleasant as a dps than I ave ever found it to be before.

Its normal, but stupid, to have to be much higher gear level than the dungeon drops to get into a pug as dps for M+, but now its so bad that you have to be higher gear lvl than the equivalent vault drop … and dungeons are still a nightmare to finish as a pug in the 10-15 level.

I’m not that serious, but I get KSM pretty much every season - never had a worse experience than in DF.

Its too bad, cause I think the expo is great otherwise.

Cant comment on much of this but …

  • Second boss SBG
    • Killing your own add is trivial or impossible based on your class. A lot of demo warlocks struggle with this but the tank and healer ones just fall over.

As a Demo Lock I see no issue with this at all. I save some imps , hold my Felstorm and make sure my dogs are ready and when it spawns , Stun , Dogs , Felstorm and Implosion. it drops fast. Demo warlock has very little issue dispatching low heath prio mobs.