M+ Tuning Thoughts

Yes just strafe back. ( Not back peddle) and you take no damage.

Academy is around as dangerous as azure vaults but smaller.

And RLP timer is very generous towards wipes you could have alot deaths on RLP and still time it

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Lol I have been facetanking those all this time thanks

You will find every dungeon has tank busters you can counter by moving. Av the fury frontals can los’d lots of things you can counter just practice to find out. Test things

I just want to be able to actually see the AOE in the ground. So much of the AOE gets hidden between the 1000+ special effects every class has. Add that to the fact that sometimes it just doesn’t render (or renders under the ground)…

I see more keys lost and more people drop from AOE they didn’t see than any other thing in the game.

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Academy is definitely more dangerous to the group than AV.

It’s about the same for both clean run vs clean run.

I knew about most of then I just didnt really know about the arcblades lol

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Not really the only trash mob in academy that is difficult is the sentry. Like yeah the elemental packs are kind of annoying but not really that much. AV also has tougher bosses as well. But different people find different things difficult so meh.

There’s a lot more unavoidable damage from AA than AV. AA also has a lot more random group casted abilities as well. AV really only has swirlies and frontals. The only unavoidable damage is really from the lieutenant Dragonking mobs that can be LoS’d.

Theres like 2 mobs that do unavoidable damage the flies and the wyrms everything else has counterplay.

Idk though I have always had a much easier time timing academy over AV maybe its just preference

Just to chime in here. I’ve felt av is worse to pug but aa scales worse. I’ve attempted both at 24 and aa feels much harder. You have to lots of double to triples to make time and the tank damage is crazy. Where AV has similar damage but it’s bit more telegraphed and noticeable. I did a 22 av we wiped on second ring, still managed to time. AA I feel if you wipe at all it’s over.

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Really depends what size pulls you’re doing / need to pull to complete the dungeon in time. Also AV only has 2 mob types in the entire key that do unavoidable damage to anyone other than the tank. The Crystal Thrashers and the Breakers.

I feel like once you reach those super high 24+ key levels you mentioned alot of whats easy and whats hard gets changed drastically just because the scaling is insane by that point.

I havent done keys that high so I cant speak for if AV is harder at that level or not. AV is probably still harder on tyrannical week but I cant say for sure.

Different key levels create different experiences ya know?

Yeah playstyle can affect difficulty as well in my experience the sentry is the only trash mob that has given me trouble.
I mostly do +18s and the other mobs dont do much to me its just my experience of course.

I dont struggle too hard with either of them but AV gives me a harder time than AA though tyrannical AV is harder because AV has more annoying bosses than AA.

Thats a good mindset to have and is good you are aware of it. Many don’t think how keys evolve into higher. Reason AV is considered hard is simply lots of tank damage is stoppable by dps ( or skilled DK/rogue). In av’s I’ve done on my DK I soo every stop, do big pulls and abuse ams in coms. I do the same key in a pug 20 on my warrior and feels like a struggle. Why? Because people are not aware what they meant to stop and slows the key right down.

I would argue both are similar in difficulty on Tyran. Vex/ cawth are brutal on Tyran. While the first 2 in AV are the hard parts. The Dragon in AV isn’t that bad if you use cds for shards and lust whichever shards you don’t have cds for.

This. So much. In my 24 AV the tank never stopped moving and barely went below 100%.

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I presume this is only for the inactive packs at the start, since you can’t LoS on the ring.

To my surprise, most people don’t know you can outrange Mystic Vapors from the lashers at the start.

There are little nooks around the ring you can use to los.

Reading all your replies and here are some thoughts.

AV is has more travelling time smaller or bigger because of

  1. not being able to mount compared to AA
  2. respawn area is in Narnia and a lot of walking back if you wipe (rlp you just respawn at the 1st boss area

When it comes to adds

  1. Yes other dungeon adds hit harder but other dungeon adds are easier to pull and are not as spread out as AV.

  2. AV although a lot of adds dmg can be interrupted or stun but its very comp dependent. Meaning if you bring classes who has single target stun or disorient or relocate abilities your gonna have a rough time.

  3. AV adds dmg is harder to take in the face. just try pulling 2 vault guards with the lieutenant and tell me if its hurts. on top of that you have crystal furies and if you dont coordinate your stuns basically you screwed.

  4. Tyran weeks the last boss is still a nightmare to deal with because of the hard hits and also the orbs who chase people around.

  5. The flogs fly all over the place and really waste a lot of time.

Overall for Season 1 this is the worst dungeon. I cant wait for season 2 halls of infusion or brakenhide hollow.


That thunderhead mob desperately needs a hit box adjustment. Having to stand inside the mob to actually melee that thing is so obnoxious.